Israel Strikes Back

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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

lettherebehouse wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:19 pm So Ati has been broken down now to the point of personal attacks.

The ultimate white flag of defeat.


This thread was the end of his reputation on this forum. All he has left is zombies and clevetown - but even clevetown inadvertently called atty a retard by calling the 'October 7th inside job' theory retarded. So really it's just zombies, a black guy lol
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:50 am
lettherebehouse wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:19 pm So Ati has been broken down now to the point of personal attacks.

The ultimate white flag of defeat.


This thread was the end of his reputation on this forum. All he has left is zombies and clevetown - but even clevetown inadvertently called atty a retard by calling the 'October 7th inside job' theory retarded. So really it's just zombies, a black guy lol
Go find a black woman to pick on. You’re not ready for me . And while finding that black woman to pick on, make sure you have Hilary in your corner to back you up. Yes the Hilary who left our troops and ambassadors to die in Libya by standing down. And the same Hilary connected to John podesta who had pedophile art work, pedo friends and engages in spirit cooking.

I win you lose.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:09 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:50 am
lettherebehouse wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:19 pm So Ati has been broken down now to the point of personal attacks.

The ultimate white flag of defeat.


This thread was the end of his reputation on this forum. All he has left is zombies and clevetown - but even clevetown inadvertently called atty a retard by calling the 'October 7th inside job' theory retarded. So really it's just zombies, a black guy lol
Go find a black woman to pick on. You’re not ready for me . And while finding that black woman to pick on, make sure you have Hilary in your corner to back you up. Yes the Hilary who left our troops and ambassadors to die in Libya by standing down. And the same Hilary connected to John podesta who had pedophile art work, pedo friends and engages in spirit cooking.

I win you lose.

Too stupid to understand that politics is not a team sport, and that you cannot expect to always be aligned with the same people. Even as you align yourself with the Black Lives Matter activists you condemn so strongly. And even as you celebrate the criticism of Israel from one Jew in Norman Finkelstein. I know that dictator post hurt you badly.

As I said earlier, breathtaking stupidity. Grizz was always right about you, "dumb as a brick."
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:35 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:09 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:50 am

This thread was the end of his reputation on this forum. All he has left is zombies and clevetown - but even clevetown inadvertently called atty a retard by calling the 'October 7th inside job' theory retarded. So really it's just zombies, a black guy lol
Go find a black woman to pick on. You’re not ready for me . And while finding that black woman to pick on, make sure you have Hilary in your corner to back you up. Yes the Hilary who left our troops and ambassadors to die in Libya by standing down. And the same Hilary connected to John podesta who had pedophile art work, pedo friends and engages in spirit cooking.

I win you lose.

Too stupid to understand that politics is not a team sport, and that you cannot expect to always be aligned with the same people. Even as you align yourself with the Black Lives Matter activists you condemn so strongly. And even as you celebrate the criticism of Israel from one Jew in Norman Finkelstein. I know that dictator post hurt you badly.

As I said earlier, breathtaking stupidity. Grizz was always right about you, "dumb as a brick."
I know it hurts, but you lose.
Imaging cheering the bashing of Candace Owens while celebrating the endorsement of a murderer like Hilary Clinton. But this is pregnant with meaning. The lives of Americans lost at the embassy in Libya due to hilary and Obama do not matter, only Jewish lives in Israel.

Your morals are so low and so putrid that you make a sodomite who regularly attends bath houses to be angelic.

I win, you lose. You have been exposed. Get some morals, until then you are a vile lowlife even beneath artman’s level. At least Artman is a hedonist, you on the other hand are a genocidal Jewish supremacist willing to partner with vile murderers to dispossess and eradicate a stateless people without a standing army.

Let’s hope that Israel only kills 5,999,999 Palestinians.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:19 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:35 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:09 am
Go find a black woman to pick on. You’re not ready for me . And while finding that black woman to pick on, make sure you have Hilary in your corner to back you up. Yes the Hilary who left our troops and ambassadors to die in Libya by standing down. And the same Hilary connected to John podesta who had pedophile art work, pedo friends and engages in spirit cooking.

I win you lose.

Too stupid to understand that politics is not a team sport, and that you cannot expect to always be aligned with the same people. Even as you align yourself with the Black Lives Matter activists you condemn so strongly. And even as you celebrate the criticism of Israel from one Jew in Norman Finkelstein. I know that dictator post hurt you badly.

As I said earlier, breathtaking stupidity. Grizz was always right about you, "dumb as a brick."
I know it hurts, but you lose.
Imaging cheering the bashing of Candace Owens while celebrating the endorsement of a murderer like Hilary Clinton. But this is pregnant with meaning. The lives of Americans lost at the embassy in Libya due to hilary and Obama do not matter, only Jewish lives in Israel.

Your morals are so low and so putrid that you make a sodomite who regularly attends bath houses to be angelic.

I win, you lose. You have been exposed. Get some morals, until then you are a vile lowlife even beneath artman’s level. At least Artman is a hedonist, you on the other hand are a genocidal Jewish supremacist willing to partner with vile murderers to dispossess and eradicate a stateless people without a standing army.

Let’s hope that Israel only kills 5,999,999 Palestinians.
You know what the funniest part about you prattling on about the "PR war" is? That you lost the PR War here on AngerGeneral. All you have left is zombies, the token black. That's the equivalent of Israel being left with Somalia or the Ivory Coast.

In any event, regarding Hillary, again, you're too stupid to appreciate the irony behind your questioning of anyone else's morals. You, who is as morally confused as someone could possibly be. Hamas put its headquarters in Gaza under a hospital. Hamas has prevented citizens from leaving North Gaza, so that they will be killed by Israeli bombs. They are using their own people as human shields—in addition to more than 200 hostages they took for this purpose. No one cares less about Palestinian women and children than Hamas does. And yet you condemn the military which is going to agonizing measures to preserve life, including evacuating infants from the hospital military base, delivering fuel to said hospital, opening humanitarian corridors for civilians to flee, etc. You're just too dim to appreciate it, but trust me, the irony is thick.

And another thing, thank God I exposed you and stripped you of your status as a Trump supporter. Because it was Donald Trump who said the other week, "if you spill a drop of American blood, we'll spill a gallon of yours." I'm proud that Israel understands those words. Only a man could truly understand those words and take them to heart. You are not a man, you are a coward who would grovel at the feet of and cede ground to even more cowardly terrorists hiding behind baby human shields, hiding in tunnels 10 meters beneath a hospital. You have nothing in common with Donald Trump, and I have exposed that for everyone to see. And that has to be almost as painful as dictator's posts.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

Not surprised by this. Most people don't know it but Messi is a huge Israel supporter with big endorsement deals for Israeli companies. The embassy move will be devastating for so many.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

You still coming back for more beatings Yehudas? I don’t like pummeling women, homosexuals and effeminate men. So far you formed the perfect nexus of all 3.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by lettherebehouse »

kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:41 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:19 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:35 am

Too stupid to understand that politics is not a team sport, and that you cannot expect to always be aligned with the same people. Even as you align yourself with the Black Lives Matter activists you condemn so strongly. And even as you celebrate the criticism of Israel from one Jew in Norman Finkelstein. I know that dictator post hurt you badly.

As I said earlier, breathtaking stupidity. Grizz was always right about you, "dumb as a brick."
I know it hurts, but you lose.
Imaging cheering the bashing of Candace Owens while celebrating the endorsement of a murderer like Hilary Clinton. But this is pregnant with meaning. The lives of Americans lost at the embassy in Libya due to hilary and Obama do not matter, only Jewish lives in Israel.

Your morals are so low and so putrid that you make a sodomite who regularly attends bath houses to be angelic.

I win, you lose. You have been exposed. Get some morals, until then you are a vile lowlife even beneath artman’s level. At least Artman is a hedonist, you on the other hand are a genocidal Jewish supremacist willing to partner with vile murderers to dispossess and eradicate a stateless people without a standing army.

Let’s hope that Israel only kills 5,999,999 Palestinians.
You know what the funniest part about you prattling on about the "PR war" is? That you lost the PR War here on AngerGeneral. All you have left is zombies, the token black. That's the equivalent of Israel being left with Somalia or the Ivory Coast.

In any event, regarding Hillary, again, you're too stupid to appreciate the irony behind your questioning of anyone else's morals. You, who is as morally confused as someone could possibly be. Hamas put its headquarters in Gaza under a hospital. Hamas has prevented citizens from leaving North Gaza, so that they will be killed by Israeli bombs. They are using their own people as human shields—in addition to more than 200 hostages they took for this purpose. No one cares less about Palestinian women and children than Hamas does. And yet you condemn the military which is going to agonizing measures to preserve life, including evacuating infants from the hospital military base, delivering fuel to said hospital, opening humanitarian corridors for civilians to flee, etc. You're just too dim to appreciate it, but trust me, the irony is thick.

And another thing, thank God I exposed you and stripped you of your status as a Trump supporter. Because it was Donald Trump who said the other week, "if you spill a drop of American blood, we'll spill a gallon of yours." I'm proud that Israel understands those words. Only a man could truly understand those words and take them to heart. You are not a man, you are a coward who would grovel at the feet of and cede ground to even more cowardly terrorists hiding behind baby human shields, hiding in tunnels 10 meters beneath a hospital. You have nothing in common with Donald Trump, and I have exposed that for everyone to see. And that has to be almost as painful as dictator's posts.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

AtiliusRegulus wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:59 am You still coming back for more beatings Yehudas? I don’t like pummeling women, homosexuals and effeminate men. So far you formed the perfect nexus of all 3.
Shouldn't you take care of your own house before you call someone else gay? You think we haven't noticed when madness or others put the pieces together about your son?
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by lettherebehouse »

lol stupid antifa bitch got owned AF

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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

This hostage deal is a huge, huge mistake. Israel should not have even come to the table until Hamas was more sufficiently destroyed, let alone agree to a deal. You don't negotiate with terrorists, certainly not while the passage of time is only giving you more and more leverage. Ironically, Israel's humanity is now its undoing. I can only hope that this is somehow not as stupid as it seems.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

lettherebehouse wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:50 am lol stupid antifa bitch got owned AF

James Gunn casting more zionists in DC :banderas:
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by ripper76 »

I haven't paid attention recently. Did anyone win yet?
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

Little buttercup yehudas lost again.
Ceasefire had been negotiated ... faca7ec2b7

Guess Israel really won the public relations war and part of winning this public relations war is a ceasefire.

I win you lose. The world has turned against you, the majority of Americans have turned against you.

Ps. Palestinian death tool is at 13k, which means 5,986,999 more to go

And you really think I give a rats ass if you declare me out of the trump camp? Seriously, are you that immature. Jew merrick garland is prosecuting trump to jail his ass. Netanyahu turned his back on trump and congratulated Biden on victory while the votes was being counted :gtfo: with your Talmudic morals.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

ripper76 wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:55 am I haven't paid attention recently. Did anyone win yet?

You can generally tell which side is winning a war by identifying the side that is praying for a ceasefire and end of all hostilities, that is typically your losing side.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

AtiliusRegulus wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:17 am Little buttercup yehudas lost again.
Ceasefire had been negotiated ... faca7ec2b7

Guess Israel really won the public relations war and part of winning this public relations war is a ceasefire.

I win you lose. The world has turned against you, the majority of Americans have turned against you.

Ps. Palestinian death tool is at 13k, which means 5,986,999 more to go

The majority of Americans, you say? Have you tried closing TikTok and talking to real Americans, not your allies the blue haired leftists, BLM and muslims?

Most Americans support Israel, new poll finds BY JULIA MANCHESTER - 11/20/23 11:37 AM ET

The majority of Americans say they support Israel, according to a new survey from Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill on Monday.

Eighty percent of voters said they supported Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that the US labels a terror organization.

“When asked the clear question on whether voters support Israel or Hamas, Americans give a clear answer that they support Israel and proposed congressional aid,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.

“They also support four-hour pauses and other help to those in Gaza but believe Israel has the right to continue its campaign unless hostages are released.”

It's also interesting to see you supporting a deal that Bibi signed off on, I guess the ceasefire must not be 'Likud bile' lol?
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

kobeunderbite wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:29 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:17 am Little buttercup yehudas lost again.
Ceasefire had been negotiated ... faca7ec2b7

Guess Israel really won the public relations war and part of winning this public relations war is a ceasefire.

I win you lose. The world has turned against you, the majority of Americans have turned against you.

Ps. Palestinian death tool is at 13k, which means 5,986,999 more to go

The majority of Americans, you say? Have you tried closing TikTok and talking to real Americans, not your allies the blue haired leftists, BLM and muslims?

Most Americans support Israel, new poll finds BY JULIA MANCHESTER - 11/20/23 11:37 AM ET

The majority of Americans say they support Israel, according to a new survey from Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill on Monday.

Eighty percent of voters said they supported Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that the US labels a terror organization.

“When asked the clear question on whether voters support Israel or Hamas, Americans give a clear answer that they support Israel and proposed congressional aid,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.

“They also support four-hour pauses and other help to those in Gaza but believe Israel has the right to continue its campaign unless hostages are released.”

It's also interesting to see you supporting a deal that Bibi signed off on, I guess the ceasefire must not be 'Likud bile' lol?
So effeminate that
1. You cannot accept facts
2. You must have the last word.

But I have you by the balls. I will keep this madness going on which will mandate that you respond to every post I make until Israel is officially a dung heap in the nostrils of the world and a pariah state.

I got a light day today and I will keep you in a tizzy.
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by kobeunderbite »

AtiliusRegulus wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:36 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:29 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:17 am Little buttercup yehudas lost again.
Ceasefire had been negotiated ... faca7ec2b7

Guess Israel really won the public relations war and part of winning this public relations war is a ceasefire.

I win you lose. The world has turned against you, the majority of Americans have turned against you.

Ps. Palestinian death tool is at 13k, which means 5,986,999 more to go

The majority of Americans, you say? Have you tried closing TikTok and talking to real Americans, not your allies the blue haired leftists, BLM and muslims?

Most Americans support Israel, new poll finds BY JULIA MANCHESTER - 11/20/23 11:37 AM ET

The majority of Americans say they support Israel, according to a new survey from Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill on Monday.

Eighty percent of voters said they supported Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that the US labels a terror organization.

“When asked the clear question on whether voters support Israel or Hamas, Americans give a clear answer that they support Israel and proposed congressional aid,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.

“They also support four-hour pauses and other help to those in Gaza but believe Israel has the right to continue its campaign unless hostages are released.”

It's also interesting to see you supporting a deal that Bibi signed off on, I guess the ceasefire must not be 'Likud bile' lol?
So effeminate that
1. You cannot accept facts
2. You must have the last word.

But I have you by the balls. I will keep this madness going on which will mandate that you respond to every post I make until Israel is officially a dung heap in the nostrils of the world and a pariah state.

I got a light day today and I will keep you in a tizzy.

Someone definitely cannot accept the "fact" that polling done by the enormously anti-Israel Harvard CAPS finds that 80 percent of Americans support Israel lol
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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by lettherebehouse »

ripper76 wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:55 am I haven't paid attention recently. Did anyone win yet?

Ati could really use a lifeline ITT, it’s a bloodbath and he keeps summoning you into his squad. Everyone has turned their back on him. Cleve, Bush, Ripper… he has nobody, not even Zombie really.

We’re at this point now watching him


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Re: Israel Strikes Back

Post by AtiliusRegulus »

kobeunderbite wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:38 am
AtiliusRegulus wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:36 am
kobeunderbite wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:29 am

The majority of Americans, you say? Have you tried closing TikTok and talking to real Americans, not your allies the blue haired leftists, BLM and muslims?

It's also interesting to see you supporting a deal that Bibi signed off on, I guess the ceasefire must not be 'Likud bile' lol?
So effeminate that
1. You cannot accept facts
2. You must have the last word.

But I have you by the balls. I will keep this madness going on which will mandate that you respond to every post I make until Israel is officially a dung heap in the nostrils of the world and a pariah state.

I got a light day today and I will keep you in a tizzy.

Someone definitely cannot accept the "fact" that polling done by the enormously anti-Israel Harvard CAPS finds that 80 percent of Americans support Israel lol
What I posted a couple days back, and as of today a 4 day ceasefire has been secured, of which said ceasefire will commence tomorrow at 10am for 4 days so as to alleviate the plight and suffering of Palestinians.

Guess you cannot get to holocaust Palestinians for 4 days. Consider it a killing fast
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