Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

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Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by CleveTown™ »

Holy s#%!!!

phpBB [video]
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by lettherebehouse »

I seen some of this. Twitter handles were trolling the fuck out of this segment with names like “Hugh_Janus”, “Gabe_Itch” asking if he’s allowed to have sex with his hamster. No filter, they just kept pouring in on the bottom of the screen I wasn’t even listening to sleepy joe lol.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by CleveTown™ »

lettherebehouse wrote:I seen some of this. Twitter handles were trolling the fuck out of this segment with names like “Hugh_Janus”, “Gabe_Itch” asking if he’s allowed to have sex with his hamster. No filter, they just kept pouring in on the bottom of the screen I wasn’t even listening to sleepy joe lol.
LOL :lol:
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

I've been saying that a debate (that may not even happen) between Trump and Biden would be off the charts terrible... and funny.

Neither guy is a good speaker. Both are really old guys in their 70s well past retirement age who seem to have lost their fastballs... and maybe even their change ups at this point, at least when speaking in public. Both struggle with coherency. Staying on point. Rambling. Nonsense. It would be a trainwreck in every way. I think it would scare every American that the choice somehow came down to these two.

But at least amid all the nonsensical rambling and weird fallback phrasing tics of his... Trump can sneak in memorable insults or deliver simple lines like "Wrong" and make them pretty powerful. So, if a debate were to happen... I think Trump would win pretty easily.

In related news, imagine if we had to read a 100-post thread between only vegasfraud and leossss... exactly.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:I've been saying that a debate (that may not even happen) between Trump and Biden would be off the charts terrible... and funny.

Neither guy is a good speaker. Both are really old guys in their 70s well past retirement age who seem to have lost their fastballs... and maybe even their change ups at this point, at least when speaking in public. Both struggle with coherency. Staying on point. Rambling. Nonsense. It would be a trainwreck in every way. I think it would scare every American that the choice somehow came down to these two.

But at least amid all the nonsensical rambling and weird fallback phrasing tics of his... Trump can sneak in memorable insults or deliver simple lines like "Wrong" and make them pretty powerful. So, if a debate were to happen... I think Trump would win pretty easily.

In related news, imagine if we had to read a 100-post thread between only vegasfraud and leossss... exactly.
Trump is a fantastic speaker and communicator, actually.

It's one of his chief strengths.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

Bush4Ever. wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:I've been saying that a debate (that may not even happen) between Trump and Biden would be off the charts terrible... and funny.

Neither guy is a good speaker. Both are really old guys in their 70s well past retirement age who seem to have lost their fastballs... and maybe even their change ups at this point, at least when speaking in public. Both struggle with coherency. Staying on point. Rambling. Nonsense. It would be a trainwreck in every way. I think it would scare every American that the choice somehow came down to these two.

But at least amid all the nonsensical rambling and weird fallback phrasing tics of his... Trump can sneak in memorable insults or deliver simple lines like "Wrong" and make them pretty powerful. So, if a debate were to happen... I think Trump would win pretty easily.

In related news, imagine if we had to read a 100-post thread between only vegasfraud and leossss... exactly.
Trump is a fantastic speaker and communicator, actually.

It's one of his chief strengths.


This kind of post is when the act wears thin a bit...
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
This kind of post is when the act wears thin a bit...
It's not a troll at all.

You just don't understand the difference between style and effectiveness.

Hint: Selling and persuasion is what matters in political speaking. Not style and technical proficiency.

Because that's what motivates action.

“When Aeschines spoke, they said, ‘How well he speaks.’
But when Demosthenes spoke, they said, ‘Let us march against Philip.’”

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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

Bush4Ever. wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
This kind of post is when the act wears thin a bit...
It's not a troll at all.

You just don't understand the difference between style and effectiveness.

Hint: Selling and persuasion is what matters in political speaking. Not style.

Because that's what motivates action.

“When Aeschines spoke, they said, ‘How well he speaks.’
But when Demosthenes spoke, they said, ‘Let us march against Philip.’”

-Some dead Greek guy

You're spinning... and spinning. But don't worry, the cavalry will be here soon...

Trump is a master at branding. He's a master at tapping into his base with oft-repeated bites...

But there's a reason the guy uses Twitter as often as he does... and as effectively as he does. The 280 character limit restricts him from the long, awkward phrasing and rambling he repeatedly falls back to when speaking that is impossible to follow and often entirely nonsensical.

"Omit needless words"... both guys suffer from this a great deal. Heck, often they put together words and phrases and ideas that have no business even being next to each other. It's very probably just a byproduct of being super duper old and being overwhelmed.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Focusing on style over substance and effectiveness is something women do.

I'll leave it at that without calling you a cuck or gross or anything like that, since I don't want you to have a pouty-pout and leave the board again.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

Bush4Ever. wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Focusing on style over substance and effectiveness is something women do.

I'll leave it at that without calling you a cuck or gross or anything like that, since I don't want you to have a pouty-pout and leave the board again.

Actually, I was focusing on types of communication (Twitter vs. Oral)... not style.

But you already knew that... and decided to go with the usual trite trappings... e.g., "post" and "girlie name-calling"

Fair enough. Don't worry... others will be here soon. You just gotta stretch this out a bit longer.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Actually, I was focusing on types of communication (Twitter vs. Oral)... not style.
You are simply a liar. You talked *in reference to style problems* that are remedied (allegedly) by twitter.

But there's a reason the guy uses Twitter as often as he does... and as effectively as he does. The 280 character limit restricts him from the long, awkward phrasing and rambling he repeatedly falls back to when speaking that is impossible to follow and often entirely nonsensical.

"Omit needless words"... both guys suffer from this a great deal. Heck, often they put together words and phrases and ideas that have no business even being next to each other. It's very probably just a byproduct of being super duper old and being overwhelmed.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by kobeunderbite »

Very funny to see abe get caught with his pants down and exposing his support for Biden by trying to pretend Biden and Trump are on equal footing when speaking. Abe lobs these little centrist grenades in Biden threads but they always fizzle instantly.

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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

Bush4Ever. wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Actually, I was focusing on types of communication (Twitter vs. Oral)... not style.

I said he was a better communicator on Twitter than when speaking... AND backed it up with reasons.

You're arguing like a girl right now... complete with the hysterical emotions and screaming bolded ALL CAPS that come with it when they get all upset.

Last edited by AbeVigodaLive on Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by kobeunderbite »

CleveTown™ wrote:Holy s#%!!!

phpBB [video]

Anderson keeps his cool here to try to preserve Biden's dignity but Gupta is absolutely mortified lol
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
I said he was a better communicator on Twitter than when speaking...
Which, even if true, has zero connection to the idea that he's a bad "speaker-speaker" (which was the point of contention) or that there is any equivalence whatsoever with him and Biden on that front.

Seriously dude, no troll or ball-busting/Anger Generaling here...but you are miles and miles off the mark on this one.

Like "I'm aiming for for the bullseye and missed the board entirely" level off.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

kobeunderbite wrote:Very funny to see abe get caught with his pants down and exposing his support for Biden by trying to pretend Biden and Trump are on equal footing when speaking. Abe lobs these little centrist grenades in Biden threads but they always fizzle instantly.


"Abe loves Biden because he rips on Biden."

- Undies

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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:

"Abe loves Biden because he rips on Biden."

- Undies
No, you love him because you attempt to establish equivalences to someone he's markedly inferior to, and thus in the process give him a boost in relative terms, compared to his chief political rival.
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

Bush4Ever. wrote:
AbeVigodaLive wrote:

"Abe loves Biden because he rips on Biden."

- Undies
No, you love him because you attempt to establish equivalences to someone he's markedly inferior to, and thus in the process give him a boost in relative terms, compared to his chief political rival.

"Abe loves Biden because he rips on Biden."

- Bush

[Note: "Equivalence" = "I think Trump would win pretty easily."]

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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by PhutureDynasty »

It's really awkward watching Bush and Abe debate.

Almost feel like someone should call a psychiatrist to help this multiple personality disorder.

[Note: Abe this isn't your moment to call your third personality in either]
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Re: Can someone like Grizz or Stars tell me what in the world Biden is trying to say here?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
[Note: "Equivalence" = "I think Trump would win pretty easily."]
No, dummy:

"Neither guy is a good speaker"
"Both are really old guys in their 70s well past retirement age who seem to have lost their fastballs when speaking in public".
"Both struggle with coherency".
"Both struggle with staying on point"
"Both ramble"
"Both speak nonsense"
"I think it would scare every American that the choice somehow came down to these two" (implying both are inept/bad).

Literally, everything you said above is wrong and drawing a false equivalence.

Saying Biden and Trump "both ramble" or "both struggle with coherency" is like saying "The Pacers and Cavs are both non-elite teams this year", even though the former is decisively above-average and the latter abysmal.
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