Kobeunderbite wrote:
But why do white liberals want to do this?
For the regular person, pathological altruism and a completely warped and misplaced sense of what equality actually means (helpful hint to liberals...human beings are not interchangeable units...LOL!).
There are also parts of said population who (owing to pornography consumption which essentially mimics the cuckold paradigm of one man watching another man have sex with an object of his desire) have developed cuckold fetishes, and to a white liberal nothing satisfies that fetish more than a Black/Brown man having sex with a White woman in order to "balance the books" because of past injustices done to Black and Brown people. Obviously, the more Black/Brown people are in the country, the more likely that is to happen, all else equal.
A tiny percentage of white liberals understand everything we are talking about, but would simply prefer to be on the top of a mediocre country than a regular person in a great country. They don't understand that they will be immediately overran by hostile tribes when it becomes practical. Watch over the next 20 years how White people gradually get squeezed out of the Democratic Party leadership.