Is it time to change the banner... and officially change the site?

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Re: Is it time to change the banner... and officially change the site?

Post by BrotherCharles »

BrotherCharles wrote:
Madnessssss wrote:I like the first one but I think on the right side Yao, Stephen a, and Zimmerman could be replaced with things more relevant. On the left side the comedian at the very top left, and the Osama one can be replaced.

Options to replace with:

Offensive pic of Jesus
-Greek Freak
-Pulse nightclub sign
-Dave Chappelle. Maybe as the blind KKK character
-alexandria ocasio-cortez
I took into consideration your suggested changes. Due to limited real estate I was able to fit everything in with the exception of the Pulse nightclub sign. However, Southpark's "Gay Al" is there to represent the 10% of the population. Come to think of it, statistically speaking 10% of our AG poster membership is possibly gay as well. Hmmm?








ALTERNATIVE #2 - Madnessssss Edits


ALTERNATIVE #3 - Anger General Packed


ALTERNATIVE #4 - Anger General - Banderas Edit


Can you spot the differences?

The banners may be a little too busy. However, there is a little bit there for everyone - Anger General: Past, Present and Future:

Knowledgeable NBA Fanboys (No one here at Anger General): Jordan, Kobe, Durant, Curry, Giannis and Lebron

Political Analysts (RobCeltsFan, RileyMartin, Ripper, Shill Jackson): Trump, Obama, Mueller and Ocasio-cortez

Cucks (RobCeltsFan and vcrjizzfan) : Soy Boy

Basketball know-it-alls (Abe and Bush, KingCarl ): Phil Jackson

Aspiring Alpha Males with Low Testosterone Levels (LMD and Abe): Charlton Heston

Fake Artists Trying to be Artistic (ElArtman): Nirvana ElArtman

MAGA Supporters: Covington teen

MCS Posters: Screaming Leftist Lady

MCU Nerds (kobeunderbite and LNS): Black Panther

Not the brightest AG posters (Deez, Chooch and Leoss): "Short Bus" boy

Fake Brothers in Christ (Atti and Clevetown): Jesus delivering a sermon.

Those in search of their real culture (lettherebehouse): Yao

Those that are always "Doing the Right Thing" (Brother Charles): "That's Racist!" Kid

Gaming Nerds (kobeunderbite): Pokemon

Wrasslin Fanboys (Sudanese Sensation): Triple H

Posters that see basketball but don't know basketball (vcrjizzfan ): Stephen A.

The father he never had (zombiesonics): Da Fuher

Posters that think they're funny, but they're really not (lettherebehouse): Keegan-Michael Key

Black man in need of racial pride (Y2K): "I am a Man" meme

Those that think its cool to be liberal (Dagger): Obama

Those still waiting for their Orders from their Leader (Leoss): Osama

Idol Worshippers (Incognito): Zimmerman

A ho in need of her pimp (Denali): Flava Flav

Lurking overseas from the closet (TheSaboteur): Southpark's "Gay Al"

How this WPOY poster makes us all feel (Leoss): Snoop Dogg
Should we put Leoss on a banner?
Make AngerGeneral Great Again
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