Why is Richard Sherman getting so many racist Tweets?

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Re: Why is Richard Sherman getting so many racist Tweets?

Post by zombiesonics »

lettherebehouse wrote:I never use Facebook for social commentary, but some asshole I grew up with (black guy) wanted to challenge me after I posted the same thing I posted here Sunday night about Sherman being my favorite new player (obviously an exaggeration) with a picture of the Welcome To Compton sign photo attached, all in the spirit of joviality as everyone who knows me was aware. This was his exact post to me, and I quote,

As an African American his actions exemplify what white America uses to put us down. He is an educated person act like it. At least Crabtree responded with class when he coulda said a 5th round pick making less than 10 percent of what I make should shut up. But what can I expect from a dead skin fan

End quote.

Obviously I could have ripped this poor guy (he's 35 mind you) for his elementary use of grammar (or lack thereof) as he ironically called out a Stanford grad for his immaturity and ignorance. But it was MLK day, and I took the high road with him with this response.

Jon, I'm not trying to desensitize the issue you have with Sherman, nor the vantage point you choose to view this issue from. But when you lend credence to those shallow enough to not look at things/people beyond its face value out of fear of perpetuating perceived stereotypes, then you've given credibility to voices that should never be heard to begin with. In other words, be above the ignorance. Who cares what ignorant racists have to say, they don't have my ear #DrKing

Its small minded drones like this who lack perception, who are numb to the pulse of what really plagues minorities in America. White America isn't caught up with sideline interviews in a game, it's just a game. If you want to take issue with how you're perceived, aim your venom toward the right people, not the star athlete with a college degree and a clean criminal record who pays his taxes and raises money and awareness about the lack of goals inner city kids have for higher education.

That is an excellent response to that moron. Essentially, he's saying that all black people need to be self - conscious of their actions for fear of conflicting with an arbitrary standard that this mythical "White america" has put in place.

And that goes double for the rest of y'all "minorities".
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town bidness
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Re: Why is Richard Sherman getting so many racist Tweets?

Post by town bidness »

lettherebehouse wrote:I never use Facebook for social commentary, but some asshole I grew up with (black guy) wanted to challenge me after I posted the same thing I posted here Sunday night about Sherman being my favorite new player (obviously an exaggeration) with a picture of the Welcome To Compton sign photo attached, all in the spirit of joviality as everyone who knows me was aware. This was his exact post to me, and I quote,

As an African American his actions exemplify what white America uses to put us down. He is an educated person act like it. At least Crabtree responded with class when he coulda said a 5th round pick making less than 10 percent of what I make should shut up. But what can I expect from a dead skin fan

End quote.

Obviously I could have ripped this poor guy (he's 35 mind you) for his elementary use of grammar (or lack thereof) as he ironically called out a Stanford grad for his immaturity and ignorance. But it was MLK day, and I took the high road with him with this response.

Jon, I'm not trying to desensitize the issue you have with Sherman, nor the vantage point you choose to view this issue from. But when you lend credence to those shallow enough to not look at things/people beyond its face value out of fear of perpetuating perceived stereotypes, then you've given credibility to voices that should never be heard to begin with. In other words, be above the ignorance. Who cares what ignorant racists have to say, they don't have my ear #DrKing

Its small minded drones like this who lack perception, who are numb to the pulse of what really plagues minorities in America. White America isn't caught up with sideline interviews in a game, it's just a game. If you want to take issue with how you're perceived, aim your venom toward the right people, not the star athlete with a college degree and a clean criminal record who pays his taxes and raises money and awareness about the lack of goals inner city kids have for higher education.

you've touched on a subject i've had to have with a few people in my professional life. including a poster i am fond of on this board about that very mentality.

simply, who gives a fuck what those sort think to begin with? ones personal conduct is a reflection upon themselves alone... not your ethnicity. regardless of societal mores (even if slowly decreasing) of the dominant in-group.
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