Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

gainesvillejjstalker wrote:In regards to CleveTown and any other Christians/sinners, we are Christian because we're imperfect, not because we're perfect. Jesus didn't come to save perfect people because they don't exist.

Using his sins against him doesn't hold any weight in regards to anything discussed here. Not even your sins, Jody Stifle.
His name is Alex and "bearing false witness" was one of God's biggies. That's why he put it in the Ten Commandments.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
manchild98 wrote:Seeing how you are so into God and how you actually behave on here the majority of the time let's me know I'm ok with the side I have chosen. Be honest with yourself, God is embarrassed by you. He would never do the shit you do. Some of us are just decent people all the time. You need him. You need him to keep you in line. Think of how you behave and you actually worship him. I can only imagine how you'd act if you didn't have that fear.
I am fully saved but yet still struggle with sin. The Bible says that we will struggle with sin until the day we die. You have no dirt on me and that hasn't been seen. I try, I repent often, God sees my true motives, you are an accuser, like your father, the devil has been and continues to be. The Devil goes to the very throne of God to accuse Christians, you are doing the same.
No. The sins you commit on this board aren't sins one can contribute to happenstance like looking at an attractive woman, mentally undressing her, and imagining having sex with her. You came on here and crated a false identity, attacked those who called you out on it, all the while fostering hate against groups and individuals.

You are deliberately being an awful witness. Just in this thread, and within our small community, you have made that obvious.

If you really loved the Lord you would kill the entire Clevetown character.

Take the above as tough talk from a Dutch uncle.
Thank you for your advice.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Da Stars. »

CleveTown™ wrote:
Da Stars. wrote:Oh shit. Another religion thread on a sports board.
Why do you always have to chime in with the obligatory "another religious thread." I say the same thing when I see a lebron or kobe thread and you know what I do? I don't click on them and I ignore them and look for some other thread to participate in. Perhaps you can do the same?

Because I am being honest. And you are a Christian. I also think of you as a hypocrite. You sure spend a lot of type trying to pass judgement.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy obviously glossed over this verse in Romans (my favorite book in the Bible btw). JJGS has this verse on lockdown though:
"We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up."
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

Da Stars. wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
Da Stars. wrote:Oh shit. Another religion thread on a sports board.
Why do you always have to chime in with the obligatory "another religious thread." I say the same thing when I see a lebron or kobe thread and you know what I do? I don't click on them and I ignore them and look for some other thread to participate in. Perhaps you can do the same?

Because I am being honest. And you are a Christian. I also think of you as a hypocrite. You sure spend a lot of type trying to pass judgement.
examples please? Just don't say things like that without backing them up.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

gainesvillejjstalker wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
gainesvillejjstalker wrote:In regards to CleveTown and any other Christians/sinners, we are Christian because we're imperfect, not because we're perfect. Jesus didn't come to save perfect people because they don't exist.

Using his sins against him doesn't hold any weight in regards to anything discussed here. Not even your sins, Jody Stifle.
His name is Alex and "bearing false witness" was one of God's biggies. That's why he put it in the Ten Commandments.
Okay, I sinned. God is merciful and forgiving. I don't know his name nor do I know it just because you claim it.

I apologize.
Now the self righteous, blameless and Judgmental one, WiseGuy, is accusing you of your sin JJGS but remaining mum on his own. A good Christian, don't you think?
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: I am fully saved but yet still struggle with sin. The Bible says that we will struggle with sin until the day we die. You have no dirt on me and that hasn't been seen. I try, I repent often, God sees my true motives, you are an accuser, like your father, the devil has been and continues to be. The Devil goes to the very throne of God to accuse Christians, you are doing the same.
No. The sins you commit on this board aren't sins one can contribute to happenstance like looking at an attractive woman, mentally undressing her, and imagining having sex with her. You came on here and crated a false identity, attacked those who called you out on it, all the while fostering hate against groups and individuals.

You are deliberately being an awful witness. Just in this thread, and within our small community, you have made that obvious.

If you really loved the Lord you would kill the entire Clevetown character.

Take the above as tough talk from a Dutch uncle.
Thank you for your advice.

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

-Luke 15:7

Look at the good you could do if you said" I will no longer race toll, I will no longer arty troll...I will just come here and discuss things like KingCarl and AmericanInfidel."

Kingcarl makes me want to be a Mormon but I don't want to give up my Diet Coke.
Last edited by Sudanese Sensation on Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Master Spade »

CleveTown™ wrote:
Master Spade wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:I always wondered this, it baffles the mind. Here, you have God, it is clear as day that He is the Creator, but men refuse to come in to the light. Why? This verse explains it:

-John 3:19

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."

An unsaved man loves his sin and remains unsaved due in part because he refuses to give his sin up. He might understand he need to be saved, but he will not come to the light in repentance and forsake his sin. The love of sin is the mark of a lost man.

Ladies and gentlemen of angergeneral. Please. We all know we do some pretty bad things. But why embrace those bad things we do? Please acknowledge you are sinner and cast those sins upon the Righteous, Blameless One who came and Died for you.

Please, come into the light. I could never ever explain to an unsaved person the pure joy and Blessed assurance I have being saved and accepted by God. Unless you are saved you just can't understand. How do I know I am God's child? My heart, the depths of my soul confirms it. It's supernatural. I know it may not make sense, but please, ask to be enlightened to the TRUTH and it WILL be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."

The Magic Toe Nail Loves you and awaits your Faith!!

"For he that puts his Faith in me shall be with me in Heaven" - Holy Book Chapter 1

May he Bless us ALL!!!!
You are truly lost. But while you are still breathing you have a CHANCE!

As do you! Make the right choice, choose the MTN!!! I have SEEN him!!! He is the ONLY way to Salvation!! You just need Faith!!

I will Pray for you!
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy is a very proud, proud man. He must be since he points out so much sin of other people.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:WiseGuy is a very proud, proud man. He must be since he points out so much sin of other people.

I will leave you to witness to Spade. I want to see how your witness works.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Jims_Doors »

I thought this was going to be about the MLB and starting pitchers.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
No. The sins you commit on this board aren't sins one can contribute to happenstance like looking at an attractive woman, mentally undressing her, and imagining having sex with her. You came on here and crated a false identity, attacked those who called you out on it, all the while fostering hate against groups and individuals.

You are deliberately being an awful witness. Just in this thread, and within our small community, you have made that obvious.

If you really loved the Lord you would kill the entire Clevetown character.

Take the above as tough talk from a Dutch uncle.
Thank you for your advice.

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

-Luke 15:7

Look at the good you could do if you said" I will no longer race toll, I will no longer arty troll...I will just come here and discuss things like KingCarl and AmericanInfidel."

Kingcarl makes me want to be a Mormon but I don't want to give up my Diet Coke.
In my real life I have repented of watching pornography and drinking alcohol and smoking pot, cursing, and the list goes on. That is why you should not presume to know the real lives of a Christian man and go strictly by what you may read on a sports forum where topics typically can descend into carousal--which is a sin I know, but I try to limit my coarse humor. If you have been paying attention, I have refrained from my past vile words of "fag" and all sort of sinful speech. But that goes undetected and unnoticed by you. Thank the Lord HE is the Judge. And not you.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

Jims_Doors wrote:I thought this was going to be about the MLB and starting pitchers.
Look at that! This thread brought out a guy ive never heard of with only 19 posts. Praise the Lord!
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: Thank you for your advice.

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

-Luke 15:7

Look at the good you could do if you said" I will no longer race toll, I will no longer arty troll...I will just come here and discuss things like KingCarl and AmericanInfidel."

Kingcarl makes me want to be a Mormon but I don't want to give up my Diet Coke.
In my real life I have repented of watching pornography and drinking alcohol and smoking pot, cursing, and the list goes on. That is why you should not presume to know the real lives of a Christian man and go strictly by what you may read on a sports forum where topics typically can descend into carousal--which is a sin I know, but I try to limit my coarse humor. If you have been paying attention, I have refrained from my past vile words of "fag" and all sort of sinful speech. But that goes undetected and unnoticed by you. Thank the Lord HE is the Judge. And not you.

As manchild pointed out posters only see the "you" you have presented him and them and that "you" hasn't persuaded them to become saved.
Last edited by Sudanese Sensation on Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:WiseGuy is a very proud, proud man. He must be since he points out so much sin of other people.

I will leave you to witness to Spade. I want to see how your witness works.
I never see you witness, I only see you accuse and judge. That's not doing the work of the Lord. You are not a gentle Christian by any means. Forgive me Lord if am falsely accusing WG.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Master Spade »

Cleveland, why do you continue to walk in Darkness!?? Why not put your Faith in the god that will save us all!!!???

Why do you continue to Lack Faith!!???

The MTN Loves you!! He gave his life for you! Why not do the same!??
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

-Luke 15:7

Look at the good you could do if you said" I will no longer race toll, I will no longer arty troll...I will just come here and discuss things like KingCarl and AmericanInfidel."

Kingcarl makes me want to be a Mormon but I don't want to give up my Diet Coke.
In my real life I have repented of watching pornography and drinking alcohol and smoking pot, cursing, and the list goes on. That is why you should not presume to know the real lives of a Christian man and go strictly by what you may read on a sports forum where topics typically can descend into carousal--which is a sin I know, but I try to limit my coarse humor. If you have been paying attention, I have refrained from my past vile words of "fag" and all sort of sinful speech. But that goes undetected and unnoticed by you. Thank the Lord HE is the Judge. And not you.

As manchild pointed out posters only see the "you" you have presented him and them and that "you" hasn't persuaded them to become saved.
It is not me that saves, but the Holy Spirit to drawn them in. Though I may be sinful, the message is white and clean as snow. May the message stand on it's own. The Lord can use any man to plant His seed of salvation. I have faith.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Master Spade »

Master Spade wrote:Cleveland, why do you continue to walk in Darkness!?? Why not put your Faith in the god that will save us all!!!???

Why do you continue to Lack Faith!!???

The MTN Loves you!! He gave his life for you! Why not do the same!??

Cleve...?? As a fellow Disciple of the MTN, ...I am here for you Brother!! Have Faith!!!

Trust me, you do NOT want to Anger our Lord!
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by CleveTown™ »

Master Spade wrote:
Master Spade wrote:Cleveland, why do you continue to walk in Darkness!?? Why not put your Faith in the god that will save us all!!!???

Why do you continue to Lack Faith!!???

The MTN Loves you!! He gave his life for you! Why not do the same!??

Cleve...?? As a fellow Disciple of the MTN, ...I am here for you Brother!! Have Faith!!!

Trust me, you do NOT want to Anger our Lord!
a toenail is a created thing. The Lord God Almighty was never created.
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Re: Why Do Men Choose to be UNSAVED?

Post by Max »

The one-dimensional, routine-stealing, short guy strikes again!

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