Hardcore Banker from NYC Globalist “100 most influential ppl in the world” guy joins MAGA

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Re: Hardcore Banker from NYC Globalist “100 most influential ppl in the world” guy joins MAGA

Post by kobeunderbite »

Democrats are too fking stupid to read the room and take his advice. Right back to the same playbook, Trump dictator, nuclear codes, MAGA nazis, etc.
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Re: Hardcore Banker from NYC Globalist “100 most influential ppl in the world” guy joins MAGA

Post by thedangerouskitchen »

I would normally say it's shocking that CNBC would air something positive about Trump / MAGA... but considering they all know Trump is going to be President again AND they all know he's going to be out for all his Haters' blood this time around, I fully expect all these liberal pigs to start softening their stance and becoming more MAGA friendly as the coming months go by (in an effort to try and save themselves a little bit of the wrath that's coming their way once Trump is back in the Oval Office).

Don't fall for it, Mr. President... these people are sneaky, anti-American scum, and the ENEMY of MAGA no matter how much they might appear to change their tune. Destroying them all is the only option!!
"Today's NBA is soft, the Defense is weak, and the rules 'really' favor the Offense."

"Lebron doesn’t guard for a full game and our game plan was to get him to play defense and he left me open all game."
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