Jerry Springer dead at 79

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Re: Jerry Springer dead at 79

Post by CleveTown™ »

Shill Jackson wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:55 pm
lettherebehouse wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:26 pm
CleveTown™ wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:38 am
Jesus gave an account of a rich man in Hades, so yes Jesus did teach about after life torture for the unsaved. (Hell aka the Lake of Fire is empty right now, and is awaiting you, the Devil and all his demons.

When you die, you will join the rich man in Hades, inside the earth..think of it as a temporary torture chamber of fire before the final Hell.

You will stay there until the 1,000 years of Christ's Millennial Reign is over, then get judged at the Great White Throne Judgment, and then finally get tossed into eternal hell.

That is the timeline.

And Noah built the ship just fine and God made sure it stayed together. He only needed it to stay afloat for less than a year which is easy.

Shill got his hellbound mexican ass thrown into the lake of fire ITT holy shit

No I didn’t.
Like Cleve, you apparently have a simplistic world view and don’t understand that Hades and hell are not the same, not to mention that jesus mentioned neither.
Hell was invented by the catholic church, so by mentioning it Cleve is parroting catholic doctrine.
Get educated house, do better!

and lol on Noah, Cleve - when lies are exposed, ‘it was god’s magic!’

How can Hades be Hell when Revelation explicitly states "death and Hades were thrown into hell (Lake of Fire). Hades is the abode of the dead. There were two compartments: torture side and paradise side (aka Abraham's bosom). When Jesus died he freed the captives on Paradise side and took them to Heaven. The torment side is still in operation until the Final White Throne Judgment. At which time Hades itself and all of its inhabitants are thrown into the LOF (Hell).
The Bible sometimes translates Hades as Hell so I can see why you are confused.
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