Trump will be going to prison

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Re: Trump will be going to prison

Post by Uncontroversial »

AbeVigodaLive wrote:
Uncontroversial wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:

They can never undo most if not all of what he did. Even with a slim majority of 1 they won't be able to come close.

And no, being a 1-term President is not somehow worse than never being President.

And they can kick Trump out of the White House maybe, but clearly he will always have permanent residence in your mind.
Hitler had permanent residency in many minds.

Being a one-termer who lost the popular vote twice, was impeached, tried to steal reelection fraudulently, and shit the bed on covid costing half a million lives is worse than never being president and having the ability to say “I would have done great”.

It'll be an interesting watch to see how Trump's presidency is regarded the further we are away from it.

On a much smaller scale, but with some similarities, a significant share of Minnesotans sorta dismiss the Jesse Ventura era — in large part because they're a little embarrassed they voted for the guy based on not much more than his cult of personality.
Trump supporters will feel shame and embarrassment and avoid discussing it. Right now their brains are completely destroyed by fake news conspiracy mind viruses. But reality looms
Shut your bitch mouth, Trumpie loser
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Re: Trump will be going to prison

Post by xer0 »

kobeunderbite wrote:Trump still won. He was still President, may become President again, likely set himself up to become more wealthy than ever after leaving office, became the most famous person on the planet, wrote and instituted policies which permanently changed the United States and globe, and dominates op and many others minds. So this whole idea that because they stole a second term from him, now he's a loser fit to be mocked, is just a big cope. Trump won and will go on to still be the most talked about and influential person on planet earth with more wealth and power than (almost) ever.
I fully expect the lamestream media to continue to talk about Trump more than Biden, if he gets fraudulently 'installed' as Potus. Biden is a demented fool, Trump carried their networks throughout his Presidency, now nobody cares what they have to say anymore except for cultureless simps like the op.
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