Happy Black History Month!

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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

This thread has convinced me to pray for Cleve...

I am going to add his name to my church's prayer list under Backsliders/In Need of Salvation.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

-John 3:15

Cleve, I'm worried about you, bro. It seems you have two choices; you can love your black brothers and sisters like you love God or you can buy a flame retardant suit. I hope you choose the former.
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,"
Rom 8:1
Are you implying one can lose their salvation? You may not want to open that can of worms.

Of course, salvation has to be sincere. It's not a "get out of Hell free card". That's pretty basic stuff,ergo:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers."

-Matthew 7-21-23

A person can't recite the Sinner's Prayer, then rob a bank and shoot and kill the guard on the way out, and expect to end up in glory.
I think me and you differ in theology. You cannot lose your salvation. One may backslide, but he does not lose his salvation. God will chastise that man or woman and bring them back into fellowship, but he doesn't forfeit their salvation.
What you are implying is that "works" are somewhat fit into the equation, it must be if you believe you can lose your salvation. If that's the case you need a heavy dosage of sound doctrine--preferably not from the Catholic church, and read this:
http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%2 ... /bs_04.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:This thread has convinced me to pray for Cleve...

I am going to add his name to my church's prayer list under Backsliders/In Need of Salvation.
and thank you I could always use more prayers.
I was thinking about changing my ways on this board and letting it show as a testimony to everyone here. Shall I start today?
Last edited by CleveTown™ on Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,"
Rom 8:1
Are you implying one can lose their salvation? You may not want to open that can of worms.

Of course, salvation has to be sincere. It's not a "get out of Hell free card". That's pretty basic stuff,ergo:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers."

-Matthew 7-21-23

A person can't recite the Sinner's Prayer, then rob a bank and shoot and kill the guard on the way out, and expect to end up in glory.
I think me and you differ in theology. You cannot lose your salvation. One may backslide, but he does not lose his salvation. God will chastise that man or woman and bring them back into fellowship, but he doesn't forfeit their salvation.
What you are implying is that "works" are somewhat fit into the equation, it must be if you believe you can lose your salvation. If that's the case you need a heavy dosage of sound doctrine--preferably not from the Catholic church, and read this:
http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%2 ... /bs_04.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

One can not lose his salvation but some people who say they were saved were never saved in the first place. I'm praying for you, cleve. I bet smelters and DeNali are praying for you too...
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
Of course, salvation has to be sincere. It's not a "get out of Hell free card". That's pretty basic stuff,ergo:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers."

-Matthew 7-21-23

A person can't recite the Sinner's Prayer, then rob a bank and shoot and kill the guard on the way out, and expect to end up in glory.
I think me and you differ in theology. You cannot lose your salvation. One may backslide, but he does not lose his salvation. God will chastise that man or woman and bring them back into fellowship, but he doesn't forfeit their salvation.
What you are implying is that "works" are somewhat fit into the equation, it must be if you believe you can lose your salvation. If that's the case you need a heavy dosage of sound doctrine--preferably not from the Catholic church, and read this:
http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%2 ... /bs_04.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

One can not lose his salvation but some people who say they were saved were never saved in the first place. I'm praying for you, cleve. I bet smelters and DeNali are praying for you too...
well I can 100% tell you I have asked Jesus into my heart and accept Him and only Him to be my Savior. I have felt His presence in my life and the Holy Spirit has confirmed it deep within my soul.
October 16th, 2020. Thank you Pastor John (P)
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: I think me and you differ in theology. You cannot lose your salvation. One may backslide, but he does not lose his salvation. God will chastise that man or woman and bring them back into fellowship, but he doesn't forfeit their salvation.
What you are implying is that "works" are somewhat fit into the equation, it must be if you believe you can lose your salvation. If that's the case you need a heavy dosage of sound doctrine--preferably not from the Catholic church, and read this:
http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%2 ... /bs_04.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

One can not lose his salvation but some people who say they were saved were never saved in the first place. I'm praying for you, cleve. I bet smelters and DeNali are praying for you too...
well I can 100% tell you I have asked Jesus into my heart and accept Him and only Him to be my Savior. I have felt His presence in my life and the Holy Spirithas confirmed it deep within my soul.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Galatians 5:22-23

IMHO, this thread made the Holy Spirit cry.

Last edited by Sudanese Sensation on Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Smelters »

WiseGuy wrote:This thread has convinced me to pray for Cleve...

I am going to add his name to my church's prayer list under Backsliders/In Need of Salvation.
Hey Wise I think he is a phony with that religion so it may be not worth it. No man or woman who confess to be religious would be so boastful about the money he makes, his wife, and how good he lives.

And then he tries to incite people about their race, that's too much to be claiming that you are religious. It doesn't bother me because I know he is trying to hide his weaknesses. Later for trolling, if he is that well off then he would be thankful.

why is he so boastful about it and want everyone to know? something is bothering him deep inside. I really feel for the guy.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

Smelters wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:This thread has convinced me to pray for Cleve...

I am going to add his name to my church's prayer list under Backsliders/In Need of Salvation.
Hey Wise I think he is a phony with that religion so it may be not worth it. No man or woman who confess to be religious would be so boastful about the money he makes, his wife, and how good he lives.

And then he tries to incite people about their race, that's too much be claiming that you are religious. It doesn't bother me because I know he is trying to hide his weaknesses. Later for trolling, if he is that well off then he would be thankful.

why is he so boastful about it and want everyone to know? something is bothering him deep inside. I really feel for the guy.
I don't want to judge cleve too harshly because it's a shtick to him. But dissing folks because of their race isn't funny and it's especially not funny when you are holding yourself out as the most outspoken Christian on the board. I never start religious threads because I don't want people to use me as a barometer for what a Christian is. Posters on this board are using Cleve as barometer.

Let's make it simple...

If Cleve wants to troll black people he shouldn't do it while alternately professing to being a God fearing person. He's not the only guy who trolls black people on this board but they don't profess to be God fearing people.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by jordanzone »

wow...smelters, you are playing right into his hands...I don't care either way..just saying...

look at the alternative to replying, and then tell me how this thread ends and the pages it would generate...

...I hope you don't take offense to this, but if you two were basketball players playing against each other, his trash talk would have you swinging at him and booted out of the game...
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
One can not lose his salvation but some people who say they were saved were never saved in the first place. I'm praying for you, cleve. I bet smelters and DeNali are praying for you too...
well I can 100% tell you I have asked Jesus into my heart and accept Him and only Him to be my Savior. I have felt His presence in my life and the Holy Spirithas confirmed it deep within my soul.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Galatians 5:22-23

IMHO, this thread made the Holy Spirit cry.

Does swearing make the Holy Spirit cry? You know, the cuss word you just used to describe me a couple posts ago. Were you demonstrating the fruit of Christian? Kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control and love?
Why do you ignore this?
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Smelters »

WiseGuy wrote:
Smelters wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:This thread has convinced me to pray for Cleve...

I am going to add his name to my church's prayer list under Backsliders/In Need of Salvation.
Hey Wise I think he is a phony with that religion so it may be not worth it. No man or woman who confess to be religious would be so boastful about the money he makes, his wife, and how good he lives.

And then he tries to incite people about their race, that's too much be claiming that you are religious. It doesn't bother me because I know he is trying to hide his weaknesses. Later for trolling, if he is that well off then he would be thankful.

why is he so boastful about it and want everyone to know? something is bothering him deep inside. I really feel for the guy.
I don't want to judge cleve too harshly because it's a shtick to him. But dissing folks because of their race isn't funny and it's especially not funny when you are holding yourself out as the most outspoken Christian on the board. I never start religious threads because I don't want people to use me as a barometer for what a Christian is. Posters on this board are using Cleve as barometer.
Posters on this board are using Cleve as barometer

He thought he was getting me upset but I knew what I was doing. I touched on it with him a couple of weeks ago and just decided to take the bait because that's what he does. He went head 1st until he had to resort to the ever predictable, "I owned you" instead of sticking to the conversation.

It always amazed me how peeps try to act religious but don't follow what it is to be a Christian, spiritual, etc. etc. etc.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: well I can 100% tell you I have asked Jesus into my heart and accept Him and only Him to be my Savior. I have felt His presence in my life and the Holy Spirithas confirmed it deep within my soul.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Galatians 5:22-23

IMHO, this thread made the Holy Spirit cry.

Does swearing make the Holy Spirit cry? You know, the cuss word you just used to describe me a couple posts ago. Were you demonstrating the fruit of Christian? Kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control and love?
Why do you ignore this?

I don't think I used any obscenities in this thread.

And, Cleve, would you have started this thread If Jesus was sitting next to you? That should be the question that governs a Christian's action.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Smelters »

constitutionnomore wrote:wow...smelters, you are playing right into his hands...I don't care either way..just saying...

look at the alternative to replying, and then tell me how this thread ends and the pages it would generate...

...I hope you don't take offense to this, but if you two were basketball players playing against each other, his trash talk would have you swinging at him and booted out of the game...
You have me totally wrong. My life history doesn't say that and I've been around peeps who have done this. That's what is wrong with the world now people can't engage in conversations without getting mad and lashing out.

I played bball and guys would try to trash talk and I would be quiet for a minute then when the time was right give them the business right back, with the ball and the trash talk myself but I would never start it.

Like I said in my last post I took the bait on purpose solely because he always tries to be self righteous. I mentioned it to him before and left it alone but it ws time to see where he was at. Now I know even better, he is a phony. It's sad actually that he is so ignorant.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
constitutionnomore wrote:
denali4eva wrote: When a poster is constantly bring up the same thing, over and over again and especially at my expense YES, I tend to take him seriously...

GM Sunny D.....and that's the thing, it's no different than those who take exception to folks who are talking shit about Lebron/Rose/Kobe....in the sense that once someone sees that weak spot, they know where to swing that hammer...it's good ol' fashioned trolling 101, and Clevetown is not bad at it(which is all I was pointing out)...

Are you comparing mocking a basketball player to mocking somebody's race?


Smelters and I have been around the block a million times on Ripper/Smelters, D.A. Smelters, Smelo, and LeBron James but I would never disrespect him because of his race. When you do that you cross the line from being a troll to being a asshole.
You don't remember saying this? Or do you not this this is an obscenity?
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
constitutionnomore wrote:
GM Sunny D.....and that's the thing, it's no different than those who take exception to folks who are talking shit about Lebron/Rose/Kobe....in the sense that once someone sees that weak spot, they know where to swing that hammer...it's good ol' fashioned trolling 101, and Clevetown is not bad at it(which is all I was pointing out)...

Are you comparing mocking a basketball player to mocking somebody's race?


Smelters and I have been around the block a million times on Ripper/Smelters, D.A. Smelters, Smelo, and LeBron James but I would never disrespect him because of his race. When you do that you cross the line from being a troll to being a asshole.
You don't remember saying this? Or do you not this this is an obscenity?

I guess that just means I will get a slightly smaller crown. I will have to tell St.Peter I gave vent to my anger in defense of my black brothers and sisters.

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by CleveTown™ »

WiseGuy wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
WiseGuy wrote:
Are you comparing mocking a basketball player to mocking somebody's race?


Smelters and I have been around the block a million times on Ripper/Smelters, D.A. Smelters, Smelo, and LeBron James but I would never disrespect him because of his race. When you do that you cross the line from being a troll to being a asshole.
You don't remember saying this? Or do you not this this is an obscenity?

I guess that just means I will get a slightly smaller crown. I will have to tell St.Peter I gave vent to my anger in defense of my black brothers and sisters.

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

so now you are rationalizing your sin. Awesome Christian you are! :roll:
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by wailuaFC »

How do you guys fall for this obvious troll threads? There is no effort and trying to be subtle here, hes just blatantly baiting you
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Da Stars. »

LOL. So what.
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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by AlaskaHawks »

"The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe you might block every shot."
Bill Russell

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Re: Happy Black History Month!

Post by Max »

This racism is sickening. Smelters should be banned.
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