Robceltsfan wrote:So, now that you're done moving goalposts...I'll accept your surrender.
GG Riley.
Not even remotely a surrender Rob. This country wont be able to fully move forward until you stop seeing color. the gentleman, despite his color deserves the same respect as anyone else living in the complex. Once his status as resident was established, it should have been OVER.
And, I have no doubt that the reason he was confronted in the first place was because of his skin color...
Robceltsfan wrote:So, now that you're done moving goalposts...I'll accept your surrender.
GG Riley.
Not even remotely a surrender Rob. This country wont be able to fully move forward until you stop seeing color. the gentleman, despite his color deserves the same respect as anyone else living in the complex. Once his status as resident was established, it should have been OVER.
And, I have no doubt that the reason he was confronted in the first place was because of his skin color...
Actually, I believe the cop/guard is on that video saying she asked everybody there.
Not EVERY case of a black man being an asshole is in retaliation to being racially profiled. For example, occasionally... people might just be assholes who cause problems through some misconceived persecution complex.
Robceltsfan wrote:Just comply. Why do black people feel the need to not comply with a cops' request?
I've been asked why I was at a certain place before. I've been asked to provide identification and answer simple questions.
Why do some folks feel the need to resist and escalate these situations?
Robby coming in and white knighting for Abe LOL....
When the property manager came over and confirmed his residency, the interaction should have ended right there...
The guy didn't let it end right there. He kept on bitching. It could have ended LONG BEFORE the property manager arrived by simply supplying his address.
Were all the other people at the pool asked their addresses as well?
Robceltsfan wrote:Just comply. Why do black people feel the need to not comply with a cops' request?
I've been asked why I was at a certain place before. I've been asked to provide identification and answer simple questions.
Why do some folks feel the need to resist and escalate these situations?
Pride as a man?
Not being a bitch?
Imagine a cop pushing you around in front of your wife...would you cast your eyes downward and meekly comply with the Cop, losing her respect for you as a man...or would you stand up for yourself?
Kingcarl24 wrote:Hold up everyone... Arty apparently has a few things to say on the subject.
I lived in a luxury apartment in freshman and sophomore years of college..still suck...and having an elevator doesn't mean you don't have to carry groceries a mile
rileymartin wrote:
You have to remember, Abe has a longing to please the Trumpies for some reason, so his stance on this black guy having to prove his residency despite white people not being held to the same standard makes sense.
Abe now thinks that any time a black person isn't in a position of inferiority, they must prove they belong...We shouldn't take their word for it. Plus, Abe now knows blacks like to steal, so that key could have easily been taken from an unsuspecting, innocent white person.
Interestingly, the only times I can recall Abe actually taking stands is when it comes to how citizens interact with cops.
He has a seriously weird obsession with citizens (especially the Black ones it seems) immediately being submissive to cops. Fuck dignity. Fuck pride. Fuck the cop operating with common sense. Sometimes fuck that the cop actually broke the law.
According to Abe, you see a cop, and you are REQUIRED to immediately going into the "yessa massa" routine.
I’ve noticed this as well. If a cop asks for a blow job, he thinks we should immediately get to sucking.