Florida House declares porn a public health risk

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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Kingcarl24 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:Do you at least give your daughter a basic "dumb" phone with call functionality? How do you deal with the perversion and degeneracy that your kids probably encounter at school? Do they go to a private school?

Porn is most definitely a public health risk. It should be illegal.

I'll give her a phone when she needs one. Right now, there's no need for it for her. Her school is quite literally across the street. My wife knows the parents of all her friends and has their numbers. We have to drive her everywhere because she's still young.

The perversion and degeneracy at school is unavoidable BUT at least I know it's kids her own age. We talk often about appropriate conversations and how to walk away from people being gross. She's great about that kind of stuff. She's often the one to ask us to change the channel or song if something become too inappropriate. As far as how to properly manage social media, she's simply too young. I don't need that innocence to be wiped out at this age. I plan on easing her in and limiting access but talking to her often about the dangers and how she needs to avoid them.

Last night she got pretty upset with me but I finally had to say that it's my job as the Dad to keep her safe. I asked her to simply trust me at this point and that she'll get a cell phone when I know the time is right.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Kingcarl24 »

AlaskaHawks wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:
AlaskaHawks wrote:
I don't recall the show, but I saw it the other night. There was a 15 and 17 year old girl who were at the airport flying from LA to NY to meet a guy they met on Instagram. They thought he was flying them out to do some modeling for the weekend then flying them home. Turns out it was a 1 way ticket and the guy was actually a sex trafficker and the ticket was a 1 way. They of course told their parents they were staying at each others houses.

The Airline desk lady noticed it seemed fishy these 2 young girls had first class 1 way tickets with no ID's, etc. Luckily they were "saved".
But I can't imagine raising kids in this environment right now
There's too much evil online and I don't want my kids in there alone until I can talk to them and teach them the dangers and how to protect themselves.

I read an article that scared the piss out of me with raising daughters. It was from a single dad who lost his daughter to a predator and how much crap he's had to go through. His daughter basically "fell for" a much older, predatory man on social media. The guy had abused her but since the girl thought she loved him. Long story short, this dad almost went to jail for attacking and wanting to kill this guy, meanwhile his daughter supported the predator. He lost her to him. It was a sad story that started because he gave his daughter a cell phone too early.

There are lots of Parental Control Apps these days to help you to monitor what they're doing.

But, your kids will dislike that greatly.
I'm aware of those but there's a fine line to walk in my opinion. I can't keep the leash that tight as they get older. I have to be able to trust them that they'll make the right decisions and using parental control apps feels like a complete distrust. Same with forcing them to give you there passwords and login info. That leads kids to be sneaky.

My daughter will have a phone and freedom to use it. That will simply be when I feel she's old enough and mature enough to handle it. 10 years old is simply too young in my opinion.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by rileymartin »

I have 2 daughters who are in college now. Dealing with boyfriends etc aren't always the most fun thing in the world, but you simply have to be involved with being overbearing. I was always very open and honest with my daughters, telling them my fears and my hopes. But, at the end of the day, what worked for me is to simply give them choices and not overdo it. the reason being, at least in my experience, most of the kids that turned out the worst were the ones where parents tried too hard to protect them.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by rileymartin »

Kingcarl24 wrote:
AlaskaHawks wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:
There's too much evil online and I don't want my kids in there alone until I can talk to them and teach them the dangers and how to protect themselves.

I read an article that scared the piss out of me with raising daughters. It was from a single dad who lost his daughter to a predator and how much crap he's had to go through. His daughter basically "fell for" a much older, predatory man on social media. The guy had abused her but since the girl thought she loved him. Long story short, this dad almost went to jail for attacking and wanting to kill this guy, meanwhile his daughter supported the predator. He lost her to him. It was a sad story that started because he gave his daughter a cell phone too early.

There are lots of Parental Control Apps these days to help you to monitor what they're doing.

But, your kids will dislike that greatly.
I'm aware of those but there's a fine line to walk in my opinion. I can't keep the leash that tight as they get older. I have to be able to trust them that they'll make the right decisions and using parental control apps feels like a complete distrust. Same with forcing them to give you there passwords and login info. That leads kids to be sneaky.

My daughter will have a phone and freedom to use it. That will simply be when I feel she's old enough and mature enough to handle it. 10 years old is simply too young in my opinion.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

gaskill15 wrote:Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?
I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Kingcarl24 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?

There's no risk with porn. Those women will never say no or make you leave your comfort zone. That's part of why it becomes so addicting.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by LeBronMonsterDunk »

gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?
I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.
You never liked me, probably don't like me still, but a ***** liking me aint never paid my bills
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:Thank god I live in Iowa. I have P-Hub bookmarked.

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?
I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.

And you don't worry about the repercussions?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:

You're a nice looking young man IIRC, why do you feel the need to turn to porn so often? Don't you worry that you are damaging your brain?
I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.

And you don't worry about the repercussions?
Such as?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Bush4Ever35 »

gaskill15 wrote: I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.
Not joking, you really should do some research on the effects of porn on the brain.

It's not nice, and can actually be fairly debilitating the longer you are "hooked".

https://therationalmale.com/2011/08/26/buffers/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Pornography I realize this will draw some fire from the masturbation / no-masturbation set, but porn (as men use it) is a Buffer against rejection. Porn doesn’t talk back, porn doesn’t need a few drinks to loosen up nor does porn require any social skills to produce rewards. It’s convenient, immediate, sexual release that requires nothing more than a PC and an internet connection (or a magazine if you prefer the analog means). We can argue the obsessive-compulsive aspect of it, or the “my GF and I enjoy porn together” reasoning, but for the single guy the root reasoning is it’s facility as a Buffer. I should also add that it’s this very facility that makes women hate it (when they do). Porn gives a guy his reward for free; a reward that should be her single best agency is rendered valueless when a man can get off to an infinite variety of sexual experience at the click of a mouse. It’s unlimited access to unlimited sexual availability without the stress of learning methods to earn it as a reward.

These are really just a few notable examples, but once you become aware of how buffers manifest you’ll begin to see how and why they are useful against rejection. Buffers are generally the paths of least rejection that become ego-invested “preferences.” Buffers aren’t so much about those “preference” as they are about the motivations behind them.

At this point you might be thinking, “well, what the hell, I don’t want to feel rejection, why not employ buffers against it?” The main reason for embracing rejection is that rejection is better than regret. Scan back through this short list of buffers; how many of these have become greater, longer term problems for you than a briefly painful rejection would’ve been? Buffers also have a tendency to compound upon themselves in that one tends to dovetail into another, or more, until you no longer realize that they were originally rejection prevention methodologies and gradually become associated with your genuine personality. After a long enough period, these buffer become “just how I am.”

Lastly, experience teaches harsh, but it teaches best. Rejection, real, raw, in your face rejection stings like a bitch. It must be something so intolerable that human beings will devise countless social and psychological constructs in order to avoid it. However, there is no better teacher than getting burned by the stove. As a Man, you are going to face rejection in far more facets of your life than just dealing with a woman. The buffers you learn in one aspect of your life will be just as encumbering when they’re transferred to another aspect of your life. All of these buffers listed, and many more, become indicators of how you confidently deal with adversity. Some make you look like a beta-herb pussy, others are subtle and nagging parts of an internalized personality, but dependence upon them incrementally reveals your real character to a woman. Are you Alpha enough to take a rejection on the chin, smile and confidently come back for more? Or will you run, will you block yourself, will you hide with convenient buffers?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:
I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a couple years so I can't get it whenever I want it. Therefore, I turn to some busty school girl trying to bang her way to an A or some dirty redhead riding her landlord's pole to bring her rent down.

And you don't worry about the repercussions?
Such as?

The kind of damage that porn can have on your brain.

phpBB [video]
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Pornography I realize this will draw some fire from the masturbation / no-masturbation set, but porn (as men use it) is a Buffer against rejection. Porn doesn’t talk back, porn doesn’t need a few drinks to loosen up nor does porn require any social skills to produce rewards. It’s convenient, immediate, sexual release that requires nothing more than a PC and an internet connection (or a magazine if you prefer the analog means). We can argue the obsessive-compulsive aspect of it, or the “my GF and I enjoy porn together” reasoning, but for the single guy the root reasoning is it’s facility as a Buffer. I should also add that it’s this very facility that makes women hate it (when they do). Porn gives a guy his reward for free; a reward that should be her single best agency is rendered valueless when a man can get off to an infinite variety of sexual experience at the click of a mouse. It’s unlimited access to unlimited sexual availability without the stress of learning methods to earn it as a reward.

I feel like this is trying to convince me to watch more porn.
Last edited by gaskill15 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:

The kind of damage that porn can have on your brain.

phpBB [video]
I'll take a look when I'm off work.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:

The kind of damage that porn can have on your brain.
I'll take a look when I'm off work.

Please do. It's a pretty eye opening video that I hope you will appreciate.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

Porn promotes onanism.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:

The kind of damage that porn can have on your brain.
I'll take a look when I'm off work.

Please do. It's a pretty eye opening video that I hope you will appreciate.
I can already guarantee it won't prevent me from watching any more porn. Especially since today's Thursday... Today's Threesome Day! :D
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

Sudanese Sensation wrote:Porn promotes onanism.
I always have to look up half the words you type.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

gaskill15 wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
gaskill15 wrote:
I'll take a look when I'm off work.

Please do. It's a pretty eye opening video that I hope you will appreciate.
I can already guarantee it won't prevent me from watching any more porn. Especially since today's Thursday... Today's Threesome Day! :D

Not trying to act holier-than-thou but you should really look into the long-term effects of watching porn on a regular basis. The video I posted is a good start and can hopefully scare you into further research because it's something that you should take seriously. We weren't programmed or built to "get off" because of what we're seeing on a screen on-demand.
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