Florida House declares porn a public health risk

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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

Sudanese Sensation wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
Sudanese Sensation wrote:
I am on the record as saying any activity that interferes with your life and interactions with other human beings in a negative way is probably not good for you. I believe what he is looking for is peer reviewed research. Intuitively porn changes one's expectations of sex.

That being said the toothpaste is out of the tube. The internet has made porn ubiquitous. Even in nations like Saudi Arabia and China with firewalls those who want to see porn find a way around them and see porn.

I feel about porn the same way I feel about a lot of hot button social issues, that before you can change the laws you have to change the culture as the former is a reflection of the latter.

In short if you are eschewing personal relationships and sitting in your bedroom with a bag of Cheetos, orange stained fingers, and porn on the lap top you probably have a problem.
I don't believe that "healthy porn viewing" exists. I think that you can probably watch porn in moderation and be not too much worse for the wear but even a tiny bit of porn watching is a tiny bit of bad for the brain in my view. It's not what we're programmed to derive pleasure from.
For the sake of discussion let's stipulate porn isn't good for you. What is to be done ?

I don't have a good answer to that question. It's part of a broader problem which is becoming increasingly woven into the fabric of a Western culture that promotes sexual deviancy more than ever and now mostly shames monogamy and judeo-christian values. I think that some of the stigmatization of mental illness plays a part in or at least relates to this as well. No one (it seems) really considers long-term ramifications, it's all about giving people as much freedom as humanly possible to act on their impulses without considering consequences.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

vcsgrizzfan wrote:
Sudanese Sensation wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:I love reading grizz's takes on Griff. He has him pegged so accurately. It's depressing but entertaining at the same time.
Given the fact that Grizz and Griff are fellow countrymen maybe the former should try to be a positive role model for the latter. Griff is a relatively young and still has the possibility of making a purpose driven life for himself.
Believe it or not, that has at least been partly my motivation in posting about Griff. He's not a moron. I think he "knows" that he's deluding himself and just putting on a front. He's still a young man and has a million potential options open to him, but he needs to completely admit that he's living a lie right now before he gets on a new path. The really damning assessments of him I've made here are definitely "mostly" motivated by a 1 in a 1000 chance it might wake him up.

What are some practical steps you think he can take (after "waking up") to right the ship and find a healthier path?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by TheSaboteur »

I haven't read any studies on this topic, but what Shill and grizz say makes the most sense. If porn impacts your daily life or affects the way you treat women/relationships, then you most likely have other psychological issues (not caused by watching porn).

Anyway, not surprising that the people who rely on a very old (and sometimes not so old) book to help then determine what's right from wrong are so against the availability of porn. Lol
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

TheSaboteur wrote:I haven't read any studies on this topic, but what Shill and grizz say makes the most sense. If porn impacts your daily life or affects the way you treat women/relationships, then you most likely have other psychological issues (not caused by watching porn).
So unless you are a porn addict whose life is constantly inhibited by porn, it can't possibly be causing any harm?

Aren't you supposed to be something of an intellectual? I think that you are coming off as very defensive because you probably consume porn.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by vcsgrizzfan »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
vcsgrizzfan wrote:
Sudanese Sensation wrote:
Given the fact that Grizz and Griff are fellow countrymen maybe the former should try to be a positive role model for the latter. Griff is a relatively young and still has the possibility of making a purpose driven life for himself.
Believe it or not, that has at least been partly my motivation in posting about Griff. He's not a moron. I think he "knows" that he's deluding himself and just putting on a front. He's still a young man and has a million potential options open to him, but he needs to completely admit that he's living a lie right now before he gets on a new path. The really damning assessments of him I've made here are definitely "mostly" motivated by a 1 in a 1000 chance it might wake him up.

What are some practical steps you think he can take (after "waking up") to right the ship and find a healthier path?
Significantly moderate his alcohol consumption if not eliminate it altogether if he can't moderate it. Hit the sheets at a reasonable hour every day and get up at a reasonable hour every day. Improve his diet and hugely reduce the amount of flour and sugar products he eats. Processed food is made addicting because they want you to be addicted to it but it saps energy and leads to other poor choices. Eat more real food. Healthy habits like exercise, good sleep hygiene (absolute hugely underrated in importance) and a proper diet make making better choices in other parts of your life much easier.

Set goals on a number of fronts and a path to achieving them. Nothing too grandiose, at least initially. Make the short term goals eminently achievable and modest. Remember that its not all or nothing. You fail on something, it's not the end of the world. Just keep the right direction. Long term, he really needs to find "something" that he can have some passion about and set a course to achieving it. In all likelihood it is many, many steps away but he needs to start somewhere. In this day and age, 30 is young as shit and there's a million options open to him.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by TheSaboteur »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
TheSaboteur wrote:I haven't read any studies on this topic, but what Shill and grizz say makes the most sense. If porn impacts your daily life or affects the way you treat women/relationships, then you most likely have other psychological issues (not caused by watching porn).
So unless you are a porn addict whose life is constantly inhibited by porn, it can't possibly be causing any harm?

Aren't you supposed to be something of an intellectual? I think that you are coming off as very defensive because you probably consume porn.
Serious harm, no.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

TheSaboteur wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
TheSaboteur wrote:I haven't read any studies on this topic, but what Shill and grizz say makes the most sense. If porn impacts your daily life or affects the way you treat women/relationships, then you most likely have other psychological issues (not caused by watching porn).
So unless you are a porn addict whose life is constantly inhibited by porn, it can't possibly be causing any harm?

Aren't you supposed to be something of an intellectual? I think that you are coming off as very defensive because you probably consume porn.
Serious harm, no.

You're definitely wrong. Maybe you just think that monogamy and marriage are meaningless or maybe you don't recognize the danger that porn represents to the family unit.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

vcsgrizzfan wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
vcsgrizzfan wrote:
Believe it or not, that has at least been partly my motivation in posting about Griff. He's not a moron. I think he "knows" that he's deluding himself and just putting on a front. He's still a young man and has a million potential options open to him, but he needs to completely admit that he's living a lie right now before he gets on a new path. The really damning assessments of him I've made here are definitely "mostly" motivated by a 1 in a 1000 chance it might wake him up.

What are some practical steps you think he can take (after "waking up") to right the ship and find a healthier path?
Significantly moderate his alcohol consumption if not eliminate it altogether if he can't moderate it. Hit the sheets at a reasonable hour every day and get up at a reasonable hour every day. Improve his diet and hugely reduce the amount of flour and sugar products he eats. Processed food is made addicting because they want you to be addicted to it but it saps energy and leads to other poor choices. Eat more real food. Healthy habits like exercise, good sleep hygiene (absolute hugely underrated in importance) and a proper diet make making better choices in other parts of your life much easier.

Set goals on a number of fronts and a path to achieving them. Nothing too grandiose, at least initially. Make the short term goals eminently achievable and modest. Remember that its not all or nothing. You fail on something, it's not the end of the world. Just keep the right direction. Long term, he really needs to find "something" that he can have some passion about and set a course to achieving it. In all likelihood it is many, many steps away but he needs to start somewhere. In this day and age, 30 is young as shit and there's a million options open to him.
This is some good advice. I think that he is about 35 but that doesn't change your powerful post.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Kingcarl24 »

Shill Jackson wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:I would like to see the health risks they list. Pornography has some pretty damaging effects on a person. There are studies that show that pornography can be just as addictive as some hardcore drugs.
Those studies have been thoroughly refuted Carl. They came from an anti-porn group, and were based on a paper that the author himself said shouldn't be used for that purpose. There is zero empirical evidence to support these laws.
On the flip side, when porn was legalized in Denmark, there was a demonstrated drop in sexual assault cases.
I don't get it, it's not like watching basketball negatively affects the ability to play the game or enjoy it.

On the phone side, our kids got theirs as a middle school graduation gift.
They complained a lot, but it's been fine.
I don't know how true that is. The studies on negative effects of pornography are still new. Remember there was a time when doctors did actually encourage smoking to those with throat irritation.

This is an article I quickly found that talks about how new the studies are and what some are finding about pornography being addictive.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in ... ction-real" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The need for accurate and helpful information couldn’t be greater and those seeking help for hypersexual behaviors and their loved ones need clear guidance and effective treatment tools.

They don’t need to be told that there is no such thing as sexual compulsivity (addiction). That’s like telling someone with cancer that cancer doesn’t exist. What they do need is evidence that validates their experience. Fortunately, researchers are gaining momentum in this area and now have a better understanding of what pornography does to the brain. In a recent example, Dr. Valerie Voon from Cambridge University found, “Pornography triggers brain activity in people with compulsive sexual behavior – known commonly as sex addiction – similar to that triggered by drugs in the brains of drug addicts.” The authors did caution that this does not mean that pornography itself is addictive, but that it highlights regions of the brain similar to those with drug addictions. The authors suggest that 1 in 25 or 4% of the population may be dealing with sexual addiction. This study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. (See more at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/brai ... onJlv.dpuf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;)

I personally don't know how someone can say with an honest face that pornography can't be addicting. I've seen people lose their jobs and their families simply because they weren't willing to stop viewing it.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Johnnyblazzed »

As we wait for the conclusive empirical and tangible evidence, let's ask:

What harm does not viewing pornography cause? On the person, family, society, etc...

Is there greater potential *real* harm in viewing or not viewing pornography?

A virtuous and disciplined man knows the answers to these questions.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by gaskill15 »

I'm about to go home, watch KUB's video about the harmful effects of porn, watch some porn, then pwn some noobs in COD WWII S&D.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by TheSaboteur »

Kingcarl24 wrote:
Shill Jackson wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:I would like to see the health risks they list. Pornography has some pretty damaging effects on a person. There are studies that show that pornography can be just as addictive as some hardcore drugs.
Those studies have been thoroughly refuted Carl. They came from an anti-porn group, and were based on a paper that the author himself said shouldn't be used for that purpose. There is zero empirical evidence to support these laws.
On the flip side, when porn was legalized in Denmark, there was a demonstrated drop in sexual assault cases.
I don't get it, it's not like watching basketball negatively affects the ability to play the game or enjoy it.

On the phone side, our kids got theirs as a middle school graduation gift.
They complained a lot, but it's been fine.
I don't know how true that is. The studies on negative effects of pornography are still new. Remember there was a time when doctors did actually encourage smoking to those with throat irritation.

This is an article I quickly found that talks about how new the studies are and what some are finding about pornography being addictive.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in ... ction-real" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The need for accurate and helpful information couldn’t be greater and those seeking help for hypersexual behaviors and their loved ones need clear guidance and effective treatment tools.

They don’t need to be told that there is no such thing as sexual compulsivity (addiction). That’s like telling someone with cancer that cancer doesn’t exist. What they do need is evidence that validates their experience. Fortunately, researchers are gaining momentum in this area and now have a better understanding of what pornography does to the brain. In a recent example, Dr. Valerie Voon from Cambridge University found, “Pornography triggers brain activity in people with compulsive sexual behavior – known commonly as sex addiction – similar to that triggered by drugs in the brains of drug addicts.” The authors did caution that this does not mean that pornography itself is addictive, but that it highlights regions of the brain similar to those with drug addictions. The authors suggest that 1 in 25 or 4% of the population may be dealing with sexual addiction. This study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. (See more at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/brai ... onJlv.dpuf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;)

I personally don't know how someone can say with an honest face that pornography can't be addicting. I've seen people lose their jobs and their families simply because they weren't willing to stop viewing it.
I don't think anyone here is saying porn can't be addictive (or maybe they have and I missed it). You could say the same thing about video games, haven't you heard stories of people dropping out of school because they couldn't stop playing World of Warcraft? For most people, it's harmless, but for a very small fraction of the population, maybe 4% like the source above, it can cause harm.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

TheSaboteur wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:
Shill Jackson wrote: Those studies have been thoroughly refuted Carl. They came from an anti-porn group, and were based on a paper that the author himself said shouldn't be used for that purpose. There is zero empirical evidence to support these laws.
On the flip side, when porn was legalized in Denmark, there was a demonstrated drop in sexual assault cases.
I don't get it, it's not like watching basketball negatively affects the ability to play the game or enjoy it.

On the phone side, our kids got theirs as a middle school graduation gift.
They complained a lot, but it's been fine.
I don't know how true that is. The studies on negative effects of pornography are still new. Remember there was a time when doctors did actually encourage smoking to those with throat irritation.

This is an article I quickly found that talks about how new the studies are and what some are finding about pornography being addictive.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in ... ction-real" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The need for accurate and helpful information couldn’t be greater and those seeking help for hypersexual behaviors and their loved ones need clear guidance and effective treatment tools.

They don’t need to be told that there is no such thing as sexual compulsivity (addiction). That’s like telling someone with cancer that cancer doesn’t exist. What they do need is evidence that validates their experience. Fortunately, researchers are gaining momentum in this area and now have a better understanding of what pornography does to the brain. In a recent example, Dr. Valerie Voon from Cambridge University found, “Pornography triggers brain activity in people with compulsive sexual behavior – known commonly as sex addiction – similar to that triggered by drugs in the brains of drug addicts.” The authors did caution that this does not mean that pornography itself is addictive, but that it highlights regions of the brain similar to those with drug addictions. The authors suggest that 1 in 25 or 4% of the population may be dealing with sexual addiction. This study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. (See more at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/brai ... onJlv.dpuf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;)

I personally don't know how someone can say with an honest face that pornography can't be addicting. I've seen people lose their jobs and their families simply because they weren't willing to stop viewing it.
I don't think anyone here is saying porn can't be addictive (or maybe they have and I missed it). You could say the same thing about video games, haven't you heard stories of people dropping out of school because they couldn't stop playing World of Warcraft? For most people, it's harmless, but for a very small fraction of the population, maybe 4% like the source above, it can cause harm.

4% of people who watch porn, so about 3.8% of all men? That isn't a problem?
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Wasa »

Bush4Ever35 wrote:I sometimes think porn is a big evolutionary test...people who buffer themselves against rejection with porn and/or use porn as a way to reach satisfaction without a woman are much less likely to pass their genes than those that go out, fail, try again, and eventually succeed (usually).

It's basically a big shiny lure to try and push you towards an evolutionary dead-end by messing with your brain and keeping you apart from (real) sexual conquest.
you are so delusional lol
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Wasa »

LACANO wrote:I've gone through long periods of watching too much porn and through periods where I never watch porn.

I agree that ultimately it's an unhealthy and even just a little bit of porn consumption is not good for you. I still use it a couple times a week even though I feel like I shouldn't.
I don't think you should feel ashamed for it, it's really fine to watch porn, though it of course depends on what kind of porn it is. If I had more money I would support certain creators. My gf and I both watch porn sometimes, especially now since we don't live in the same city.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Thedictator »

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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by TheSaboteur »

Kobeunderbite wrote:
TheSaboteur wrote:
Kingcarl24 wrote:
I don't know how true that is. The studies on negative effects of pornography are still new. Remember there was a time when doctors did actually encourage smoking to those with throat irritation.

This is an article I quickly found that talks about how new the studies are and what some are finding about pornography being addictive.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in ... ction-real" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The need for accurate and helpful information couldn’t be greater and those seeking help for hypersexual behaviors and their loved ones need clear guidance and effective treatment tools.

They don’t need to be told that there is no such thing as sexual compulsivity (addiction). That’s like telling someone with cancer that cancer doesn’t exist. What they do need is evidence that validates their experience. Fortunately, researchers are gaining momentum in this area and now have a better understanding of what pornography does to the brain. In a recent example, Dr. Valerie Voon from Cambridge University found, “Pornography triggers brain activity in people with compulsive sexual behavior – known commonly as sex addiction – similar to that triggered by drugs in the brains of drug addicts.” The authors did caution that this does not mean that pornography itself is addictive, but that it highlights regions of the brain similar to those with drug addictions. The authors suggest that 1 in 25 or 4% of the population may be dealing with sexual addiction. This study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. (See more at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/brai ... onJlv.dpuf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;)

I personally don't know how someone can say with an honest face that pornography can't be addicting. I've seen people lose their jobs and their families simply because they weren't willing to stop viewing it.
I don't think anyone here is saying porn can't be addictive (or maybe they have and I missed it). You could say the same thing about video games, haven't you heard stories of people dropping out of school because they couldn't stop playing World of Warcraft? For most people, it's harmless, but for a very small fraction of the population, maybe 4% like the source above, it can cause harm.

4% of people who watch porn, so about 3.8% of all men? That isn't a problem?
It's a problem, but what's the cause? I don't think it's porn. If not porn, they would probably be addicted to something else or be engaged in some other destructive behavior. Who knows, maybe something worse, like serial sexual assault? I don't know, I'm not a psychologist, and none of us here are (except for one retired poster).
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by Sudanese Sensation »

There seems to be an abundance of onanists among the members of our community.
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Re: Florida House declares porn a public health risk

Post by kobeunderbite »

TheSaboteur wrote:
Kobeunderbite wrote:
TheSaboteur wrote: I don't think anyone here is saying porn can't be addictive (or maybe they have and I missed it). You could say the same thing about video games, haven't you heard stories of people dropping out of school because they couldn't stop playing World of Warcraft? For most people, it's harmless, but for a very small fraction of the population, maybe 4% like the source above, it can cause ha

4% of people who watch porn, so about 3.8% of all men? That isn't a problem?
If not porn, they would probably be addicted to something else or be engaged in some other destructive behavior. Who knows, maybe something worse, like serial sexual assault?
:skip: :stephena:
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