Talk about anything here.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:22 am


Post by admin »


1. Do not post pornography or nudity. This includes pictures, gifs, drawings, and videos. Use the "NSFW" disclaimer in thread titles for questionable topics. Extremely NSFW topics may be moved to the other board.

2. Do not cyber-stalk, or attempt to cyber-stalk, current or past members of the community. The community includes ESPN and prior forums. Personal info and photos that have not been volunteered on are off-limits (please be prepared to link to original posting of info/photos if prompted).

3. Don’t make credible threats against other posters or public figures. Threats or discussions (advocating) related to assassinating politicians are not allowed. Some leeway may be given during discussions related to current events.

4. Discussions of moderation issues and moderation complaints are not allowed on the main board. This INCLUDES discussions of those who are greened/banned, and calls to green/ban users. Do not share PMs from staff.

5. Don’t spam the board, and please do not spoil any recently released movies or other media (use spoiler tags).

6. Don't share or request Warez links/downloads/instruct​ions/streams on the board.

7. Sexualizing minors, accusing other posters of abusing minors, or using those topics to troll is off limits. (To be clear: This does not mean you can’t discuss news stories or factual events related to abuse, but you can not use those topics to troll or make light of abuse.)

The staff reserves the right to remove content and address issues that are deemed to be against the best interests of the community.

Staff will no longer officially arbitrate or enforce bets between users. Inappropriate avatars are prohibited.


There is less leeway for repeat offenders. Minor violations will result in temporary Other Board Access Only status, progressing to full bans. Cyber-stalking and other extreme violations will result in long-term, potentially permanent bans.

Last updated Summer 2024

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