It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Smelters »

Lol!!! at peeps not knowing how many families and people that the klan has done major wrongs to and not faced anything from police or the law for many years especially in the south and after slavery.

Some people take only what they want from history and not the whole story, Oh that's what his - story is anyway.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Smelters »

kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
That is only true in a very minor capacity and holds no relevance in this conversation.
very minor capacity? hahahaha wow!!!
You don't get to laugh when you've provided nothing but unfounded statements, no evidence, and no logic. The Klan was not impervious to government intervention or penalty. Had they been allowed to conduct their business without repercussions, they would be a lot more successful and influential today.
I thought this was common knowledge but even common sense isn't common nowadays. Of course now (they may be on the down low though) they aren't as prevalent kinda like the mob nowadays. Can't be doing that shizz nowadays with more technology like camera phones, mass media, etc. for example. Wow!!! Lol!!! just too funny.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by kobeunderbite »

Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote: very minor capacity? hahahaha wow!!!
You don't get to laugh when you've provided nothing but unfounded statements, no evidence, and no logic. The Klan was not impervious to government intervention or penalty. Had they been allowed to conduct their business without repercussions, they would be a lot more successful and influential today.
I thought this was common knowledge but even common sense isn't common nowadays. Of course now (they may be on the down low though) they aren't as prevalent kinda like the mob nowadays. Can't be doing that shizz nowadays with more technology like camera phones, mass media, etc. for example. Wow!!! Lol!!! just too funny.
Right. The Klan is not prevalent today because of camera phones.

You're a very bright guy.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Incognito »

George is hoping to make money for charity, DMX is going off about how he's going to beat the shit out of Zimmerman. Thousands of Gayvon supporters tweet death threats and racist comments towards George.

And somehow Zim is the bad guy.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Smelters »

kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
You don't get to laugh when you've provided nothing but unfounded statements, no evidence, and no logic. The Klan was not impervious to government intervention or penalty. Had they been allowed to conduct their business without repercussions, they would be a lot more successful and influential today.
I thought this was common knowledge but even common sense isn't common nowadays. Of course now (they may be on the down low though) they aren't as prevalent kinda like the mob nowadays. Can't be doing that shizz nowadays with more technology like camera phones, mass media, etc. for example. Wow!!! Lol!!! just too funny.
Right. The Klan is not prevalent today because of camera phones.

You're a very bright guy.
Go ahead and question my brightness but advanced technology like in mass media, dna testing, yeah even camera phones, etc. have made them not as prevalent or maybe have made them go more underground.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by kobeunderbite »

Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote: I thought this was common knowledge but even common sense isn't common nowadays. Of course now (they may be on the down low though) they aren't as prevalent kinda like the mob nowadays. Can't be doing that shizz nowadays with more technology like camera phones, mass media, etc. for example. Wow!!! Lol!!! just too funny.
Right. The Klan is not prevalent today because of camera phones.

You're a very bright guy.
Go ahead and question my brightness but advanced technology like in mass media, dna testing, yeah even camera phones, etc. have made them not as prevalent or maybe have made them go more underground.
So it's not that the government is no longer facilitating them, it's the camera phones?

Nice contradiction.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Ali Natural »

kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote:
Laughing Man wrote:

As pussy as those so called "Black Panthers" that can only do shit when in large numbers and are barely organized enough to do anything but shit talk? Both groups are dumbasses. But if I had to take one, I'd take the Klan as those crazy guys hunt, shoot and actually know how to use a gun. Panthers just get by on the whole "Imma black thug revolutionary, powa to the people" type schtik.
Difference is the government infiltrated and broke down the Panthers, took any power that they could have had. The kkk on the other hand were allowed to do their thing and also had/have people higher up (even government officials, high ranking religious people, etc.) in their organization.
The Klan was allowed to "do their thing" ?

lol wtf ?

Our schools failed kobeunderbite
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Ali Natural »

You can go to a Klan or Panther meeting tomorrow. The point is the Klan often acted with impunity prior to modern times.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Smelters »

kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
Right. The Klan is not prevalent today because of camera phones.

You're a very bright guy.
Go ahead and question my brightness but advanced technology like in mass media, dna testing, yeah even camera phones, etc. have made them not as prevalent or maybe have made them go more underground.
So it's not that the government is no longer facilitating them, it's the camera phones?

Nice contradiction.
Oh deflection to try to make me look like I'm just talking shizz, ouch. Hahaha You are just in love with that camera phone thing yet can't understand how that can get criminals and even cops in trouble.

What's wrong? you can't phantom government officials being part of the klan? or them allowing it to go down in the past especially in the south? hmmmm. I'm dealing with more ignorance than I thought.

Oh I forgot some ignorant people only see things in a tunnel so it may be kinda hard for you to put it all together, my bad.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Laughing Man »

Smelters wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:
Smelters wrote: Go ahead and question my brightness but advanced technology like in mass media, dna testing, yeah even camera phones, etc. have made them not as prevalent or maybe have made them go more underground.
So it's not that the government is no longer facilitating them, it's the camera phones?

Nice contradiction.
Oh deflection to try to make me look like I'm just talking shizz, ouch. Hahaha You are just in love with that camera phone thing yet can't understand how that can get criminals and even cops in trouble.

What's wrong? you can't phantom government officials being part of the klan? or them allowing it to go down in the past especially in the south? hmmmm. I'm dealing with more ignorance than I thought.

Oh I forgot some ignorant people only see things in a tunnel so it may be kinda hard for you to put it all together, my bad.

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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Offensive »

I wonder if DMX will rap about this experience in the near future.
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Re: It's official: Zimmerman to fight DMX

Post by Offensive »

Cobra Kai wrote:Is Zim gonna make DMX relevant again?

Yup, win or lose.
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