How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kennethgriffin24 »

Right, many religion of the world believe that Jesus existed but the accredit Him as a great teacher or prophet. NOT as GOD HIMSELF in human flesh. That's their grave error. And you're right, there are 1000s of MAN made religions, true Christianity is not man made--it is God made--since we are only following Jesus of the Bible.
but doesn't it make you feel like a giant cuck for believing in basically a wacky version of judaism. isn't that all christianity is.. its like some jehovah/morman spin off. they just took the jewish religion and said "na it actually goes like this"... its not original. why would god give people the wrong info thats so similar to the jewish and muslim teachings... you can tell all of these things originated from the same time and place and people switched them up to make them more appealing to their group that got divided from the rest. do you actually think god would say "fuck em. go down there and shake things up. make people even more confused. and don't prove you're the son of god. don't leave any evidence. just feed people fish and wine and tell stories that sound even crazier. most people on earth won't even believe in it. but its the truth and unless you choose an undead zombie magician as your god you go to hell lol... christianity sounds more wacky than any other religion. and its been changed to fit modern day thinking. like the old testament sounds way cooler. the new testament sounds like some publishers clearing house G rated trash

-Why do you need unhappiness to have perpetual happiness? That's a weird way of looking at it. God has existed for eternity in pure bliss.
-What you referred to with the African children eating mud and bugs, is conditioned to like something or accustomed to. It isn't like that in Heaven.
-We will always have something new to be happy about as learn about God and continue to do our work for Him. And again, this isn't "work" in the traditional sense like a 9-5, it is joyful work that we will yearn to do.
-I'm getting the feeling that you think there will any sense whatsoever of a "good time" in Hell. There is only pain, sorrow and agony in Hell. Nothing will be good.
i didn't say you needed unhappiness to have perpetual happiness. i said if thats what it is then its forced upon us and not appreciated naturally because a lot about happiness as humans is endorphins firing in your brain releasing drugs into your system and the more stuff you get to make you happy the less happy it makes you. like how spoiled people/rich people/celebrities are mostly all depressed because they can't appreciate anything. they have everything so theres no want/need/lust/appreciation. they resort to artificial stimulants to fire off those triggers in the brain to experience "happiness"... all it is in the end is natural drugs our body produces. happiness isn't our soul changing moods with spiritual magic lol. its drugs. and like any drug you build a tolerance. too much of any good thing is bad. so if we are perpetually happy in heaven then its obviously forced upon us. we're not even conscious anymore. we're not ourselves. we're brainwashed mindless sheep and god keeps us prisoner for eternity
-The people who followed Jesus wrote the Bible or those who knew people who followed Jesus. Matthew and John are eye witness testimonies. Mark and Luke spoke to people who knew Jesus (Like Paul knew Mary and wrote down what she said).
-You must take the virgin conception on faith. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. If God created the universe do you think creating a baby from a virgin is out of the realm of possibility?
-The Bible did NOT change many times. Every translation is taken from the original source documents. From the ancient Greek manuscripts. They are not translations of translations.
all this shit originated in the middle east 2000 years ago and you actually believe these people were named matt, john, mark, luke and mary?... someone switched up them names and you know it lol.. and adding in stories from people that never even met jesus sounds like some filler cause the publisher didn't have enough stories. and even if you believed in the virgin conception wouldn't it be quite convenient. how many women back then who cheated on their husbands tried using that one lol.. and since it happened before wouldn't you have to take it seriously. why wouldn't there be a 2nd coming of jesus. whats stopping god. then again i'm sure there has been others to claim they are a god among us. we throw them in mental institutions. if a guy came out today and said he was jesus would you believe him? why does your faith end after the new testament. why can't more be written. why can't more be learned. did jesus say specifically he would never return. wouldn't showing up today and being even more powerful and all knowing during a time with recording devices and better equipment to test his abilities be the right time to make an appearance. especially when 99% of the world believes in something else. why would god let so many of his children perish and be sent to hell for not believing in something that hasn't been updated in 2 millenniums. and why did god wait so long. humans were around for 100,000 years. so all those souls were lost forever because god was lazy. why did he let asians come up with stuff thousands of years before that. egyptians? so many civilizations were around long before that period and god just said fuck em? and why did he bury dinosaur bones and put false aging that turned the bones to solid rock over millions of years.. did he do it to trick us? why would he be so evil. its proven that they didn't breathe the same type of oxygen either. so jesus didn't walk among them

-Once again, God essentially wrote the Bible through man. He would not allow a lie in His Book. What is written is from eye witness testimony or examples like Mark and Luke I wrote about above. They are trustworthy and true.

but he didn't. people did. even jesus never wrote a single word in the bible. you would think he would have put some pen to paper right? 2nd hand accounts seem too convenient. did jesus even truly want a "bible" considering most of the stories were written 40 years after his death. so how would he not allow lies in his book if people that are capable of lying wrote it. and like most biased agenda driven people they will embellish. i know i would if i was writing the book of kobe. how do you know they're trustworthy? even the top priests in the world today are constantly linked to child abuse. you can't trust anyone. nobody truly knows anyone. we're inherently evil creatures with selfish instincts. parasites by nature. we protect ourselves at the detriment of others. we throw away mountains of garbage every year that destroys the planet. we want everything quick and easy to the point where it pollutes the air. we're lazy spoiled and driven by greed. don't you want more than you need? don't you wanna make the most money you can to be set for life? do you take whatever you don't need and give it to those in your community? do you go door to door in your spare time spreading the teachings of your savior? or is it more convenient to do it from time to time on a message board. why should jesus only suffer to spread the word of god. if the book he gave us isn't doing the job then maybe you need to start up a church and give up teaching kids english. you must save other souls before they die and are lost forever. how can you have friends in your community when you know they will burn in hell for eternity since they heard about the bible and reject jesus as the lord and savior. you would have to leave open a possibility of it being all lies because only a truly selfish person would be certain of their fates and do nothing to try and help them. you would be on your hands and knees begging them to believe you. if you truly cared the way god wanted us to about each other this would ultimately be your lifes mission on earth. but you ignore it out of greed and selfishness because you know only you have to be saved in order to be happy.
Last edited by kennethgriffin24 on Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by rileymartin »

kennethgriffin24 wrote:
Right, many religion of the world believe that Jesus existed but the accredit Him as a great teacher or prophet. NOT as GOD HIMSELF in human flesh. That's their grave error. And you're right, there are 1000s of MAN made religions, true Christianity is not man made--it is God made--since we are only following Jesus of the Bible.
but doesn't it make you feel like a giant cuck for believing in basically a wacky version of judaism. isn't that all christianity is.. its like some jehovah/morman spin off. they just took the jewish religion and said "na it actually goes like this"... its not original. why would god give people the wrong info thats so similar to the jewish and muslim teachings... you can tell all of these things originated from the same time and place and people switched them up to make them more appealing to their group that got divided from the rest. do you actually think god would say "fuck em. go down there and shake things up. make people even more confused. and don't prove you're the son of god. don't leave any evidence. just feed people fish and wine and tell stories that sound even crazier. most people on earth won't even believe in it. but its the truth and unless you choose an undead zombie magician as your god you go to hell lol... christianity sounds more wacky than any other religion. and its been changed to fit modern day thinking. like the old testament sounds way cooler. the new testament sounds like some publishers clearing house G rated trash

-Why do you need unhappiness to have perpetual happiness? That's a weird way of looking at it. God has existed for eternity in pure bliss.
-What you referred to with the African children eating mud and bugs, is conditioned to like something or accustomed to. It isn't like that in Heaven.
-We will always have something new to be happy about as learn about God and continue to do our work for Him. And again, this isn't "work" in the traditional sense like a 9-5, it is joyful work that we will yearn to do.
-I'm getting the feeling that you think there will any sense whatsoever of a "good time" in Hell. There is only pain, sorrow and agony in Hell. Nothing will be good.
i didn't say you needed unhappiness to hav perpetual happiness. i said if thats what it is then its forced upon us and not appreciated naturally because a lot about happiness as humans is endorphins firing in your brain releasing drugs into your system and the more stuff you get to make you happy the less happy it makes you. like how spoiled people/rich people/celebrities are mostly all depressed because they can't appreciate anything. they have everything so theres no want/need/lust/appreciation. they resort to artificial stimulants to fire off those triggers in the brain to experience "happiness"... all it is in the end is natural drugs our body produces. happiness isn't our soul changing moods with spiritual magic lol. its drugs. and like any drug you build a tolerance. too much of any good thing is bad. so if we are perpetually happy in heaven then its obviously forced upon us. we're not even conscious anymore. we're not ourselves. we're brainwashed mindless sheep and god keeps us prisoner for eternity
-The people who followed Jesus wrote the Bible or those who knew people who followed Jesus. Matthew and John are eye witness testimonies. Mark and Luke spoke to people who knew Jesus (Like Paul knew Mary and wrote down what she said).
-You must take the virgin conception on faith. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. If God created the universe do you think creating a baby from a virgin is out of the realm of possibility?
-The Bible did NOT change many times. Every translation is taken from the original source documents. From the ancient Greek manuscripts. They are not translations of translations.
all this shit originated in the middle east 2000 years ago and you actually believe these people were named matt, john, mark, luke and mary?... someone switched up them names and you know it lol.. and adding in stories from people that never even met jesus sounds like some filler cause the publisher didn't have enough stories. and even if you believed in the virgin conception wouldn't it be quite convenient. how many women back then who cheated on their husbands tried using that one lol.. and since it happened before wouldn't you have to take it seriously. why wouldn't there be a 2nd coming of jesus. whats stopping god. then again i'm sure there has been others to claim they are a god among us. we throw them in mental institutions. if a guy came out today and said he was jesus would you believe him? why does your faith end after the new testament. why can't more be written. why can't more be learned. did jesus say specifically he would never return. wouldn't showing up today and being even more powerful and all knowing during a time with recording devices and better equipment to test his abilities be the right time to make an appearance. especially when 99% of the world believes in something else. why would god let so many of his children parish and be sent to hell for not believing in something that hasn't been updated in 2 millenniums. and why did god wait so long. humans were around for 100,000 years. so all those souls were lost forever because god was lazy. why did he let asians come up with stuff thousands of years before that. egyptians? so many civilizations were around long before that period and god just said fuck em? and why did he bury dinosaur bones and put false aging that turned the bones to solid rock over millions of years.. did he do it to trick us? why would he be so evil. its proven that they didn't breath the same type of oxygen either. so jesus didn't walk among them

-Once again, God essentially wrote the Bible through man. He would not allow a lie in His Book. What is written is from eye witness testimony or examples like Mark and Luke I wrote about above. They are trustworthy and true.

but he didn't. people did. even jesus never wrote a single word in the bible. you would think he would have put some pen to paper right? 2nd hand accounts seem too convenient. did jesus even truly want a "bible" considering most of the stories were written 40 years after his death. so how would he not allow lies in his book if people that are capable of lying wrote it. and like most biased agenda driven people they will embellish. i know i would if i was writing the book of kobe. how do you know they're trustworthy? even the top priests in the world today are constantly linked to child abuse. you can't trust anyone. nobody truly knows anyone. we're inherently evil creatures with selfish instincts. parasites by nature. we protect ourselves at the detriment of others. we throw away mountains of garbage every year that destroys the planet. we want everything quick and easy to the point where it pollutes the air. we're lazy spoiled and driven by greed. don't you want more than you need? don't you wanna make the most money you can to be set for life? do you take whatever you don't need and give it to those in your community? do you go door to door in your spare time spreading the teachings of your savior? or is it more convenient to do it from time to time on a message board. why should jesus only suffer to spread the word of god. if the book he gave us isn't doing the job then maybe you need to start up a church and give up teaching kids english. you must save other souls before they die and are lost forever. how can you have friends in your community when you know they will burn in hell for eternity since they heard about the bible and reject jesus as the lord and savior. you would have to leave open a possibility of it being all lies because only a truly selfish person would be certain of their fates and do nothing to try and help them. you would be on your hands and knees begging them to believe you. if you truly cared the way god wanted us to about each other this would ultimately be your lifes mission on earth. but you ignore it out of greed and selfishness because you know only you have to be saved in order to be happy.

the only idiot reading all this gibberish will be Flaccid Dan...

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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: You are so set in your ways. The Bible says the Pharaoh hardened his heart and hardened his heart until God finally hardened his heart. I believe God has hardened your heart. You're finished. Live it up these last remaining short years on earth, you will be in a Lake of Fire soon enough.
You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
MANY extra-biblical sources are out there. I've even referenced them many times here. OPEN your eyes
They are all bullshit as well
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by Shill Jackson »

CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: You are so set in your ways. The Bible says the Pharaoh hardened his heart and hardened his heart until God finally hardened his heart. I believe God has hardened your heart. You're finished. Live it up these last remaining short years on earth, you will be in a Lake of Fire soon enough.
You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
MANY extra-biblical sources are out there. I've even referenced them many times here. OPEN your eyes
A) not many
B) do not provide proof
C) repeatedly shown to have been manipulated after the fact

They have been refuted many times here, and elsewhere. OPEN your eyes
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by Bush4Ever. »

Artman is one of those "if you are an edgy atheist you are automatically smart even if your observable/tangible life is a mess" people...I would ignore him and his moobs on this topic.

Helpful hint to edgy Atheists...if you want to act like you are smarter than everyone else, your personal record of accomplishment in life should greatly exceed the people you are making fun of. When 80 percent of you are virgins or greatly undersexed, working mediocre jobs (despite being secret geniuses), and possessing observable mental illness it sort of detracts from your points, like it or not.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

kennethgriffin24 wrote:
Right, many religion of the world believe that Jesus existed but the accredit Him as a great teacher or prophet. NOT as GOD HIMSELF in human flesh. That's their grave error. And you're right, there are 1000s of MAN made religions, true Christianity is not man made--it is God made--since we are only following Jesus of the Bible.
but doesn't it make you feel like a giant cuck for believing in basically a wacky version of judaism. isn't that all christianity is.. its like some jehovah/morman spin off. they just took the jewish religion and said "na it actually goes like this"... its not original. why would god give people the wrong info thats so similar to the jewish and muslim teachings... you can tell all of these things originated from the same time and place and people switched them up to make them more appealing to their group that got divided from the rest. do you actually think god would say "fuck em. go down there and shake things up. make people even more confused. and don't prove you're the son of god. don't leave any evidence. just feed people fish and wine and tell stories that sound even crazier. most people on earth won't even believe in it. but its the truth and unless you choose an undead zombie magician as your god you go to hell lol... christianity sounds more wacky than any other religion. and its been changed to fit modern day thinking. like the old testament sounds way cooler. the new testament sounds like some publishers clearing house G rated trash

-Why do you need unhappiness to have perpetual happiness? That's a weird way of looking at it. God has existed for eternity in pure bliss.
-What you referred to with the African children eating mud and bugs, is conditioned to like something or accustomed to. It isn't like that in Heaven.
-We will always have something new to be happy about as learn about God and continue to do our work for Him. And again, this isn't "work" in the traditional sense like a 9-5, it is joyful work that we will yearn to do.
-I'm getting the feeling that you think there will any sense whatsoever of a "good time" in Hell. There is only pain, sorrow and agony in Hell. Nothing will be good.
i didn't say you needed unhappiness to have perpetual happiness. i said if thats what it is then its forced upon us and not appreciated naturally because a lot about happiness as humans is endorphins firing in your brain releasing drugs into your system and the more stuff you get to make you happy the less happy it makes you. like how spoiled people/rich people/celebrities are mostly all depressed because they can't appreciate anything. they have everything so theres no want/need/lust/appreciation. they resort to artificial stimulants to fire off those triggers in the brain to experience "happiness"... all it is in the end is natural drugs our body produces. happiness isn't our soul changing moods with spiritual magic lol. its drugs. and like any drug you build a tolerance. too much of any good thing is bad. so if we are perpetually happy in heaven then its obviously forced upon us. we're not even conscious anymore. we're not ourselves. we're brainwashed mindless sheep and god keeps us prisoner for eternity
-The people who followed Jesus wrote the Bible or those who knew people who followed Jesus. Matthew and John are eye witness testimonies. Mark and Luke spoke to people who knew Jesus (Like Paul knew Mary and wrote down what she said).
-You must take the virgin conception on faith. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. If God created the universe do you think creating a baby from a virgin is out of the realm of possibility?
-The Bible did NOT change many times. Every translation is taken from the original source documents. From the ancient Greek manuscripts. They are not translations of translations.
all this shit originated in the middle east 2000 years ago and you actually believe these people were named matt, john, mark, luke and mary?... someone switched up them names and you know it lol.. and adding in stories from people that never even met jesus sounds like some filler cause the publisher didn't have enough stories. and even if you believed in the virgin conception wouldn't it be quite convenient. how many women back then who cheated on their husbands tried using that one lol.. and since it happened before wouldn't you have to take it seriously. why wouldn't there be a 2nd coming of jesus. whats stopping god. then again i'm sure there has been others to claim they are a god among us. we throw them in mental institutions. if a guy came out today and said he was jesus would you believe him? why does your faith end after the new testament. why can't more be written. why can't more be learned. did jesus say specifically he would never return. wouldn't showing up today and being even more powerful and all knowing during a time with recording devices and better equipment to test his abilities be the right time to make an appearance. especially when 99% of the world believes in something else. why would god let so many of his children perish and be sent to hell for not believing in something that hasn't been updated in 2 millenniums. and why did god wait so long. humans were around for 100,000 years. so all those souls were lost forever because god was lazy. why did he let asians come up with stuff thousands of years before that. egyptians? so many civilizations were around long before that period and god just said fuck em? and why did he bury dinosaur bones and put false aging that turned the bones to solid rock over millions of years.. did he do it to trick us? why would he be so evil. its proven that they didn't breathe the same type of oxygen either. so jesus didn't walk among them

-Once again, God essentially wrote the Bible through man. He would not allow a lie in His Book. What is written is from eye witness testimony or examples like Mark and Luke I wrote about above. They are trustworthy and true.

but he didn't. people did. even jesus never wrote a single word in the bible. you would think he would have put some pen to paper right? 2nd hand accounts seem too convenient. did jesus even truly want a "bible" considering most of the stories were written 40 years after his death. so how would he not allow lies in his book if people that are capable of lying wrote it. and like most biased agenda driven people they will embellish. i know i would if i was writing the book of kobe. how do you know they're trustworthy? even the top priests in the world today are constantly linked to child abuse. you can't trust anyone. nobody truly knows anyone. we're inherently evil creatures with selfish instincts. parasites by nature. we protect ourselves at the detriment of others. we throw away mountains of garbage every year that destroys the planet. we want everything quick and easy to the point where it pollutes the air. we're lazy spoiled and driven by greed. don't you want more than you need? don't you wanna make the most money you can to be set for life? do you take whatever you don't need and give it to those in your community? do you go door to door in your spare time spreading the teachings of your savior? or is it more convenient to do it from time to time on a message board. why should jesus only suffer to spread the word of god. if the book he gave us isn't doing the job then maybe you need to start up a church and give up teaching kids english. you must save other souls before they die and are lost forever. how can you have friends in your community when you know they will burn in hell for eternity since they heard about the bible and reject jesus as the lord and savior. you would have to leave open a possibility of it being all lies because only a truly selfish person would be certain of their fates and do nothing to try and help them. you would be on your hands and knees begging them to believe you. if you truly cared the way god wanted us to about each other this would ultimately be your lifes mission on earth. but you ignore it out of greed and selfishness because you know only you have to be saved in order to be happy.
Ok, these responses are getting way too long winded. Next, why don't you make 2-3 of your best arguments and I can respond.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote: You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
MANY extra-biblical sources are out there. I've even referenced them many times here. OPEN your eyes
They are all bullshit as well
You're blind and deaf. You have eyes but cannot see. You have ears but cannot hear. Stop responding in this thread.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

Shill Jackson wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote: You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
MANY extra-biblical sources are out there. I've even referenced them many times here. OPEN your eyes
A) not many
B) do not provide proof
C) repeatedly shown to have been manipulated after the fact

They have been refuted many times here, and elsewhere. OPEN your eyes
Yes many. At least 4 that I'm aware of. And those are just the ones that made it to this day. Satan Im sure tried his best to destroy the others.
Yes it does provide proof.
They are not manipulated. You'll believe anything you want to believe lol. How dumb.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kennethgriffin24 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
kennethgriffin24 wrote:
Right, many religion of the world believe that Jesus existed but the accredit Him as a great teacher or prophet. NOT as GOD HIMSELF in human flesh. That's their grave error. And you're right, there are 1000s of MAN made religions, true Christianity is not man made--it is God made--since we are only following Jesus of the Bible.
but doesn't it make you feel like a giant cuck for believing in basically a wacky version of judaism. isn't that all christianity is.. its like some jehovah/morman spin off. they just took the jewish religion and said "na it actually goes like this"... its not original. why would god give people the wrong info thats so similar to the jewish and muslim teachings... you can tell all of these things originated from the same time and place and people switched them up to make them more appealing to their group that got divided from the rest. do you actually think god would say "fuck em. go down there and shake things up. make people even more confused. and don't prove you're the son of god. don't leave any evidence. just feed people fish and wine and tell stories that sound even crazier. most people on earth won't even believe in it. but its the truth and unless you choose an undead zombie magician as your god you go to hell lol... christianity sounds more wacky than any other religion. and its been changed to fit modern day thinking. like the old testament sounds way cooler. the new testament sounds like some publishers clearing house G rated trash

-Why do you need unhappiness to have perpetual happiness? That's a weird way of looking at it. God has existed for eternity in pure bliss.
-What you referred to with the African children eating mud and bugs, is conditioned to like something or accustomed to. It isn't like that in Heaven.
-We will always have something new to be happy about as learn about God and continue to do our work for Him. And again, this isn't "work" in the traditional sense like a 9-5, it is joyful work that we will yearn to do.
-I'm getting the feeling that you think there will any sense whatsoever of a "good time" in Hell. There is only pain, sorrow and agony in Hell. Nothing will be good.
i didn't say you needed unhappiness to have perpetual happiness. i said if thats what it is then its forced upon us and not appreciated naturally because a lot about happiness as humans is endorphins firing in your brain releasing drugs into your system and the more stuff you get to make you happy the less happy it makes you. like how spoiled people/rich people/celebrities are mostly all depressed because they can't appreciate anything. they have everything so theres no want/need/lust/appreciation. they resort to artificial stimulants to fire off those triggers in the brain to experience "happiness"... all it is in the end is natural drugs our body produces. happiness isn't our soul changing moods with spiritual magic lol. its drugs. and like any drug you build a tolerance. too much of any good thing is bad. so if we are perpetually happy in heaven then its obviously forced upon us. we're not even conscious anymore. we're not ourselves. we're brainwashed mindless sheep and god keeps us prisoner for eternity
-The people who followed Jesus wrote the Bible or those who knew people who followed Jesus. Matthew and John are eye witness testimonies. Mark and Luke spoke to people who knew Jesus (Like Paul knew Mary and wrote down what she said).
-You must take the virgin conception on faith. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. If God created the universe do you think creating a baby from a virgin is out of the realm of possibility?
-The Bible did NOT change many times. Every translation is taken from the original source documents. From the ancient Greek manuscripts. They are not translations of translations.
all this shit originated in the middle east 2000 years ago and you actually believe these people were named matt, john, mark, luke and mary?... someone switched up them names and you know it lol.. and adding in stories from people that never even met jesus sounds like some filler cause the publisher didn't have enough stories. and even if you believed in the virgin conception wouldn't it be quite convenient. how many women back then who cheated on their husbands tried using that one lol.. and since it happened before wouldn't you have to take it seriously. why wouldn't there be a 2nd coming of jesus. whats stopping god. then again i'm sure there has been others to claim they are a god among us. we throw them in mental institutions. if a guy came out today and said he was jesus would you believe him? why does your faith end after the new testament. why can't more be written. why can't more be learned. did jesus say specifically he would never return. wouldn't showing up today and being even more powerful and all knowing during a time with recording devices and better equipment to test his abilities be the right time to make an appearance. especially when 99% of the world believes in something else. why would god let so many of his children perish and be sent to hell for not believing in something that hasn't been updated in 2 millenniums. and why did god wait so long. humans were around for 100,000 years. so all those souls were lost forever because god was lazy. why did he let asians come up with stuff thousands of years before that. egyptians? so many civilizations were around long before that period and god just said fuck em? and why did he bury dinosaur bones and put false aging that turned the bones to solid rock over millions of years.. did he do it to trick us? why would he be so evil. its proven that they didn't breathe the same type of oxygen either. so jesus didn't walk among them

-Once again, God essentially wrote the Bible through man. He would not allow a lie in His Book. What is written is from eye witness testimony or examples like Mark and Luke I wrote about above. They are trustworthy and true.

but he didn't. people did. even jesus never wrote a single word in the bible. you would think he would have put some pen to paper right? 2nd hand accounts seem too convenient. did jesus even truly want a "bible" considering most of the stories were written 40 years after his death. so how would he not allow lies in his book if people that are capable of lying wrote it. and like most biased agenda driven people they will embellish. i know i would if i was writing the book of kobe. how do you know they're trustworthy? even the top priests in the world today are constantly linked to child abuse. you can't trust anyone. nobody truly knows anyone. we're inherently evil creatures with selfish instincts. parasites by nature. we protect ourselves at the detriment of others. we throw away mountains of garbage every year that destroys the planet. we want everything quick and easy to the point where it pollutes the air. we're lazy spoiled and driven by greed. don't you want more than you need? don't you wanna make the most money you can to be set for life? do you take whatever you don't need and give it to those in your community? do you go door to door in your spare time spreading the teachings of your savior? or is it more convenient to do it from time to time on a message board. why should jesus only suffer to spread the word of god. if the book he gave us isn't doing the job then maybe you need to start up a church and give up teaching kids english. you must save other souls before they die and are lost forever. how can you have friends in your community when you know they will burn in hell for eternity since they heard about the bible and reject jesus as the lord and savior. you would have to leave open a possibility of it being all lies because only a truly selfish person would be certain of their fates and do nothing to try and help them. you would be on your hands and knees begging them to believe you. if you truly cared the way god wanted us to about each other this would ultimately be your lifes mission on earth. but you ignore it out of greed and selfishness because you know only you have to be saved in order to be happy.
Ok, these responses are getting way too long winded. Next, why don't you make 2-3 of your best arguments and I can respond.

i win
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

kennethgriffin24 wrote:

i win
I mean, you wrote the longest...if that's your idea of winning then ok.

I'll start then. Tell me how the universe got here if there wasn't an Intelligent Designer?
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by LNS »

Griff won IMO
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by AlaskaHawks »

Congrats cleve on Reaching 66,600 posts ITT.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

LNS wrote:Griff won IMO
the unsaved always stick together.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

AlaskaHawks wrote:Congrats cleve on Reaching 66,600 posts ITT.
You're one of those weirdos who thinks every math equations means it's a sign of something right?

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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by Da Stars. »

How old is the earth, clevey?
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by LNS »

CleveTown™ wrote:
LNS wrote:Griff won IMO
the unsaved always stick together.
He made better points than you. Plus I’ve always maintained the “no one really knows for sure” viewpoint.

Watching you describe heaven ITT (as if some ex-meth head would actually know) was comical, no troll.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by Kingcarl24 »

Oh great now I don't believe in God because of Griff.

Thanks a lot Cleve.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kennethgriffin24 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
kennethgriffin24 wrote:

i win
I mean, you wrote the longest...if that's your idea of winning then ok.

I'll start then. Tell me how the universe got here if there wasn't an Intelligent Designer?

i'm agnostic. i don't try speaking "truth" on what i know nothing about. its all theory in the end. theres evolutionary theory, big bang theory, religious theory. its all just ideas. i just ask questions as to why someone would choose anything as the undeniable fact when they're mostly ignorant about the subject. people should always leave open the possibility of learning something new. then you can only grow intellectually and gain more and more knowledge. when you stop searching for answers you stop evolving. which is why muslims are inbred retards. they're the most dedicated to their religion. its only regressed them as a people
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by LeBronMonsterDunk »

I don't think about it at all.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

kennethgriffin24 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
kennethgriffin24 wrote:

i win
I mean, you wrote the longest...if that's your idea of winning then ok.

I'll start then. Tell me how the universe got here if there wasn't an Intelligent Designer?

i'm agnostic. i don't try speaking "truth" on what i know nothing about. its all theory in the end. theres evolutionary theory, big bang theory, religious theory. its all just ideas. i just ask questions as to why someone would choose anything as the undeniable fact when they're mostly ignorant about the subject. people should always leave open the possibility of learning something new. then you can only grow intellectually and gain more and more knowledge. when you stop searching for answers you stop evolving. which is why muslims are inbred retards. they're the most dedicated to their religion. its only regressed them as a people
I can go along with that. Basically you're right, no one really knows. But we can deduce, right? From everything I've observed in nature plant life comes from plant life. Animal life comes from animal life. Human life comes from human life. Never once in the history of time has there been a case of life coming from non-life.

We must come from another form of life. And not just us but all of creation. Everything we see. It had to originate from someone.

Just like your phone. A windstorm didn't just roar into a factory and piece it all together. Your phone came from an intelligent mind. So it is with the universe.

Like i said, we can deduce certain things, and when you think logically about it, there is a God. Once you are settled on that, you can approach the Bible in a whole new light.
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