How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

I love this verse, it's perfect for LNS.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (NLT)
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kennethgriffin24 »

He does judge you if you have heard of Him and willfully rejected Him (which unfortunately is the category you are in today). I grew up in a piss poor family and social environment. I could have easily been a product of the system. But I chose to follow God instead. What's your choice? We all have one and we all make one.
but how am i any different than a poor soul lost in a rainforest. the bad people around me are my trees. the bad parenting are my lakes separating me from opening my heart and mind to god. everyone is born innocent with a clean slate. its our upbringing that helps mould our way of thinking and how trusting we are. and aren't we punished for learning more. since statistically the more educated you are the less likely you are dependent on religion. only 2% of scientists are religious. so gods punishing us for learning? growing? having ideas of our own? questioning things?

Do you think God is not capable of creating things better than endorphins in Heaven? More satisfying? More complete and pure? He is. And you won't be having in sex in hell because it is darkness and a lake of fire. You won't even have your penis, your body will be changed the Bible says. You will confined there, yelling in pure anguish and pain.
i thought god created us in his own image. why would life on earth not have experiences that will exist in heaven. why would everything be so different. then how would we even know if we want to be in heaven in the first place. isn't the reason we don't wanna go to hell is because we want to avoid physical pain and torture. how come they can still experience the senses of being human but people in heaven can't. if its so much better and it has nothing to do with drugs, sex, alcohol, stimulants, wants, needs etc... then what am i even looking forward to? an unknown. might as well be agnostic or atheist if you don't even know what to expect. i thought the point of religion was getting answers and knowing your fate after you die. this sounds scary.

You are speaking from a total lack of comprehension of God and the Bible. No, you will never learn everything about God. The angels EVEN TODAY who are of ancient times are still learning abotu God the Bible says : "12It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they foretold the things now announced by those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things." This basically means that even the angels longed to understand the process of salvation. They couldn't understand.
if theres literally billions of years worth of teachings then isn't the bible just like 1/1,000,000,000,000th+ of the true story ... then how can i dedicate my life to it. why follow something you basically know nothing about

Well you have the mind that many do who choose hell over heaven. People who go to hell choose to go. They do not desire God and the don't desire to worship Him. They (you) desire to worship themselves and to do what is good in their eyes. The ultimate act of defiance. Pretty much your father the Devil did the same thing before He was kicked out of Heaven. He desired to stop worshiping God and be worshiped himself. Read the "5 I Wills" of Satan and there you will see what he did to have God banish him from Heaven and mark him and his followers for hell.
i don't choose anything because if i do i'd be a selfish know it all. who am i to say which religion is correct and that anyone that doesn't think how i think must be wrong and is going to hell. i would have to assume i'm a god myself for having such divine knowledge of the universe. to be 100% certain of anything would almost classifying yourself as a false prophet and be a direct violation of gods law.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

but how am i any different than a poor soul lost in a rainforest. the bad people around me are my trees. the bad parenting are my lakes separating me from opening my heart and mind to god. everyone is born innocent with a clean slate. its our upbringing that helps mould our way of thinking and how trusting we are. and aren't we punished for learning more. since statistically the more educated you are the less likely you are dependent on religion. only 2% of scientists are religious. so gods punishing us for learning? growing? having ideas of our own? questioning things?
You are different because the rainforest people have NEVER HEARD of Jesus or the Bible. YOU HAVE. You are without excuse. I had bad parents, too. I overcame with God's power. If you allow Him into your life He can achieve great things in you, too. (See my verse to LNS above that addresses what God thinks of the "wise" of this world.)
i thought god created us in his own image. why would life on earth not have experiences that will exist in heaven. why would everything be so different. then how would we even know if we want to be in heaven in the first place. isn't the reason we don't wanna go to hell is because we want to avoid physical pain and torture. how come they can still experience the senses of being human but people in heaven can't. if its so much better and it has nothing to do with drugs, sex, alcohol, stimulants, wants, needs etc... then what am i even looking forward to? an unknown. might as well be agnostic or atheist if you don't even know what to expect. i thought the point of religion was getting answers and knowing your fate after you die. this sounds scary.
Everything won't be different, and yet everything will be different. Things like relationships, emotions of happiness and love will transfer to Heaven. In Heaven there will be no more pain sorrow, death or mourning, the Bible says that the old order of things like that will have passed away. Isn't that great?! When you become saved your desire will be all about God. Our ambitions, our passions and joys will be focused on God in Heaven. Because when you behold Him in all of His glory we can only but fall down and worship Him. You don't understand. You are not of God yet so it remains a mystery. Open your life up to Jesus and let Him save you. Only then will you achieve REAL peace plus understanding.
if theres literally billions of years worth of teachings then isn't the bible just like 1/1,000,000,000,000th+ of the true story ... then how can i dedicate my life to it. why follow something you basically know nothing about
Because the Bible is nothing more than eye witness testimony and prophesy. It is not a Book of 1 billion years of teachings. People witnessed Christ or interviewed people who knew and walked with Him and wrote down what they saw and heard. Therefore you can be assured it is 100% factual and true. Plus the Bible was divinely inspired by God Himself as the the men who wrote the Bible were moved by the Holy Spirit as to what to write. Pretty much God wrote the Bible through man.
i don't choose anything because if i do i'd be a selfish know it all. who am i to say which religion is correct and that anyone that doesn't think how i think must be wrong and is going to hell. i would have to assume i'm a god myself for having such divine knowledge of the universe. to be 100% certain of anything would almost classifying yourself as a false prophet and be a direct violation of gods law.
Look, there can't be more than 1 truth out there. Every religion can't be right. The only thing that is 100% true and right is the Bible. Not the teachings of Catholicism, Islam or Hindu.

The Bible. Period. Religion doesn't save you, the Words contained in the Bible do.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kennethgriffin24 »

You are different because the rainforest people have NEVER HEARD of Jesus or the Bible. YOU HAVE. You are without excuse. I had bad parents, too. I overcame with God's power. If you allow Him into your life He can achieve great things in you, too. (See my verse to LNS above that addresses what God thinks of the "wise" of this world.)
i've heard of a lot of things though. hinduism, Buddhism, native reincarnation, islam, judaism, theres tons of different religions that believe in jesus, theres over 1000 man made religions and only ONE with the true story. up to 98% of the world has picked the wrong one for certain. its obvious nobody is shown the way and we have to make up our own minds. and based on how others have failed i'm almost certain to as well. to believe i can make the right choice i would have to assume i'm more important and part of a select few chosen ones that god favors. and if i haven't already chosen then maybe i'm not one of the chosen ones. maybe its meant to be. i'm not part of the special club by gods choice. not my own
Everything won't be different, and yet everything will be different. Things like relationships, emotions of happiness and love will transfer to Heaven. In Heaven there will be no more pain sorrow, death or mourning, the Bible says that the old order of things like that will have passed away. Isn't that great?! When you become saved your desire will be all about God. Our ambitions, our passions and joys will be focused on God in Heaven. Because when you behold Him in all of His glory we can only but fall down and worship Him. You don't understand. You are not of God yet so it remains a mystery. Open your life up to Jesus and let Him save you. Only then will you achieve REAL peace plus understanding.

how can there be happiness without unhappiness. you need a balance in order to appreciate it. like if all you ever ate was lobster would you know it was any good? like kids in africa who eat mud cookies and bugs. they like it and actually prefer it because its all they know. and again i ask why must god turn us into mindless sheep. why can't we think for ourselves. isn't that robbing us of our souls. isn't free will what makes us human. everything you say makes heaven sound like a prison of souls for eternity under his control with strict order and no deviation from his plan is available. even if it was some new experience that we automatically will like it sounds forced in a drugging sort of way. i don't wanna lose what makes me who i am. i want all my senses. if i can only have my own feelings in hell then send me there. i want my own thoughts to stay with me even if i'm experiencing punishment and pain. the heaven you describe sounds like a prison. do as you're told so you can enter heaven and do as you're told. meh
Because the Bible is nothing more than eye witness testimony and prophesy. It is not a Book of 1 billion years of teachings. People witnessed Christ or interviewed people who knew and walked with Him and wrote down what they saw and heard. Therefore you can be assured it is 100% factual and true. Plus the Bible was divinely inspired by God Himself as the the men who wrote the Bible were moved by the Holy Spirit as to what to write. Pretty much God wrote the Bible through man.
jesus is part of islam too. whos to say the quran isn't the true story and jesus isn't the son of god and only a prophet. he's also part of the jewish religion and known as just a crazy shit disturber. in all likelihood he was a real person that genuinely believed he was the son of god because his mother actually did say he was a miracle since she was known as a "VIRGIN" during times in which you were stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock or cheating on your husband. she was probably raped and said her pregnancy was a miracle. joseph believed her out of blind love or embarrassment. who knows. but she avoided being murdered and jesus was born and raised as the son of god and he believed it and changed many peoples lives with his passion and love for others who he assumed were his children. but in reality hes just a jewish bastard that got nailed to a cross and stabbed with spears until he eventually died. it was a great story and still lives on to this day. but theres many different versions and theres no way of knowing whats true and what isn't. the bibles been changed so many times we don't know what to believe anymore. you literally have to be the most selfish egotistical know it all egomaniac to assume you have all the answers to life because you picked up a book and it made sense to you. you must leave open the possibility of being wrong or else you're clinically insane. everything in science is theory for a reason. we're always learning and growing as humans. we just learned how to fly 100 years ago. we're just babies in our evolutionary tale
Look, there can't be more than 1 truth out there. Every religion can't be right. The only thing that is 100% true and right is the Bible. Not the teachings of Catholicism, Islam or Hindu.

The Bible. Period. Religion doesn't save you, the Words contained in the Bible do.

but how can you be so sure. you're what? around 40 years old? you never even saw babe ruth play baseball and probably couldnt even tell me whether or not his called shot homerun happened or not. theres no video of it. its all stories passed on and possibly embellished... if we as humans living in the #1 place on earth for following baseball don't even know whether or not the most famous baseball player ever pointed at the fence before hitting a homerun or if he was signalling "2 strikes" to someone or if it happened at all ... then how can we sit here and say 100% for a fact there was a jewish zombie magician that walked on water and healed the blind trying to convert jews to christians 2000 years ago after god shot him down to earth into a random womans cunt only to have him die and fail at his job and cause utter chaos for infinite millenniums to follow while more and more people give up on his teachings and flush the bible down the toilet. sounds to me like jesus was not our savior. he was our divider
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kobeunderbite »

Jesus is not part of the Jewish religion.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

i've heard of a lot of things though. hinduism, Buddhism, native reincarnation, islam, judaism, theres tons of different religions that believe in jesus, theres over 1000 man made religions and only ONE with the true story. up to 98% of the world has picked the wrong one for certain. its obvious nobody is shown the way and we have to make up our own minds. and based on how others have failed i'm almost certain to as well. to believe i can make the right choice i would have to assume i'm more important and part of a select few chosen ones that god favors. and if i haven't already chosen then maybe i'm not one of the chosen ones. maybe its meant to be. i'm not part of the special club by gods choice. not my own
Right, many religion of the world believe that Jesus existed but the accredit Him as a great teacher or prophet. NOT as GOD HIMSELF in human flesh. That's their grave error. And you're right, there are 1000s of MAN made religions, true Christianity is not man made--it is God made--since we are only following Jesus of the Bible.
how can there be happiness without unhappiness. you need a balance in order to appreciate it. like if all you ever ate was lobster would you know it was any good? like kids in africa who eat mud cookies and bugs. they like it and actually prefer it because its all they know. and again i ask why must god turn us into mindless sheep. why can't we think for ourselves. isn't that robbing us of our souls. isn't free will what makes us human. everything you say makes heaven sound like a prison of souls for eternity under his control with strict order and no deviation from his plan is available. even if it was some new experience that we automatically will like it sounds forced in a drugging sort of way. i don't wanna lose what makes me who i am. i want all my senses. if i can only have my own feelings in hell then send me there. i want my own thoughts to stay with me even if i'm experiencing punishment and pain. the heaven you describe sounds like a prison. do as you're told so you can enter heaven and do as you're told. meh

-Why do you need unhappiness to have perpetual happiness? That's a weird way of looking at it. God has existed for eternity in pure bliss.
-What you referred to with the African children eating mud and bugs, is conditioned to like something or accustomed to. It isn't like that in Heaven.
-We will always have something new to be happy about as learn about God and continue to do our work for Him. And again, this isn't "work" in the traditional sense like a 9-5, it is joyful work that we will yearn to do.
-I'm getting the feeling that you think there will any sense whatsoever of a "good time" in Hell. There is only pain, sorrow and agony in Hell. Nothing will be good.
jesus is part of islam too. whos to say the quran isn't the true story and jesus isn't the son of god and only a prophet. he's also part of the jewish religion and known as just a crazy shit disturber. in all likelihood he was a real person that genuinely believed he was the son of god because his mother actually did say he was a miracle since she was known as a "VIRGIN" during times in which you were stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock or cheating on your husband. she was probably raped and said her pregnancy was a miracle. joseph believed her out of blind love or embarrassment. who knows. but she avoided being murdered and jesus was born and raised as the son of god and he believed it and changed many peoples lives with his passion and love for others who he assumed were his children. but in reality hes just a jewish bastard that got nailed to a cross and stabbed with spears until he eventually died. it was a great story and still lives on to this day. but theres many different versions and theres no way of knowing whats true and what isn't. the bibles been changed so many times we don't know what to believe anymore. you literally have to be the most selfish egotistical know it all egomaniac to assume you have all the answers to life because you picked up a book and it made sense to you. you must leave open the possibility of being wrong or else you're clinically insane. everything in science is theory for a reason. we're always learning and growing as humans. we just learned how to fly 100 years ago. we're just babies in our evolutionary tale
-The people who followed Jesus wrote the Bible or those who knew people who followed Jesus. Matthew and John are eye witness testimonies. Mark and Luke spoke to people who knew Jesus (Like Paul knew Mary and wrote down what she said).
-You must take the virgin conception on faith. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. If God created the universe do you think creating a baby from a virgin is out of the realm of possibility?
-The Bible did NOT change many times. Every translation is taken from the original source documents. From the ancient Greek manuscripts. They are not translations of translations.
but how can you be so sure. you're what? around 40 years old? you never even saw babe ruth play baseball and probably couldnt even tell me whether or not his called shot homerun happened or not. theres no video of it. its all stories passed on and possibly embellished... if we as humans living in the #1 place on earth for following baseball don't even know whether or not the most famous baseball player ever pointed at the fence before hitting a homerun or if he was signalling "2 strikes" to someone or if it happened at all ... then how can we sit here and say 100% for a fact there was a jewish zombie magician that walked on water and healed the blind trying to convert jews to christians 2000 years ago after god shot him down to earth into a random womans cunt only to have him die and fail at his job and cause utter chaos for infinite millenniums to follow while more and more people give up on his teachings and flush the bible down the toilet. sounds to me like jesus was not our savior. he was our divider
-Once again, God essentially wrote the Bible through man. He would not allow a lie in His Book. What is written is from eye witness testimony or examples like Mark and Luke I wrote about above. They are trustworthy and true.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

kobeunderbite wrote:Jesus is not part of the Jewish religion.
Which is sad. He came to his own but his own rejected him.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
kennethgriffin24 wrote:i'm agnostic so there might be a god and there might not be one. even if i believe in one or believe there isn't one it won't change anything. and if i do have to believe in order to be saved then believe what? which religion? christianity? catholicism? protestant? jehovah? mormon?... i'm baptized catholic. but what if thats the wrong one. then how do i choose? would god lead me in the right direction? if so then why not others? what if i was born into a family that believes in the wrong thing. do i go to hell? what if i'm native? what if i'm east indian? what if i'm chinese? what i'm i'm jewish? what if i'm muslim? what if i'm some tribal rainforest guy... what if i'm retarded or gay. what if i'm born during a time when religion is out of style and i'm led down the wrong path. why is everyone so sure their religion is the right one. wouldn't that mean you would have to believe god is biased and predetermines who goes to heaven. and if we go to heaven whats there to do anyway. whatever we want? ok. how long will that be fun. 1000 years? 1,000,000 years? after seeing everything wouldn't it get repetitive like groundhog day. then wouldn't you want it to end. especially if life on earth ceased to exist and there was nothing to observe. how is there any privacy in heaven. and if there is privacy wouldn't it be lonely. i can only stand my friends and family once a week or so. and when you can have everything doesn't it take away from the appreciation. so much of what makes us human is wanting more or attaining more. there would be no wealth. no possessions. no reason to behave. are there drugs in heaven? alcohol? food? can we even feel hunger? can we choose to be reincarnated? and if so does our old soul die? then whats the point right?. and who really wants to meet god. and would he have the time to meet you? then what if you don't have fun. can you ask to stop being conscious. can you feel pain? is there sex? if there is wouldn't most people abuse that like barkley on the holodeck in star trek. wouldn't that be intrusive. wouldn't you get in trouble if you thought about underage girls. does god even have the same laws up there? wouldn't he have to have different ones for every country you're from. then what if the laws are tightened on earth. are they changed in heaven. if heaven was made back in the days when 13 year olds could have sex. wouldn't that be ok in heaven still? would heaven even be a place you would want to go to then. your dead daughter having sex with old men in heaven? like wtf right? can i sleep in heaven? doesn't that make things more fresh too. like you get burnt out constantly thinking. you need a break. and what about jacking off. do i even have a penis? and whats the point of heaven anyway. to have fun or to help people on earth. to guide people. then what if you dont wanna do that. do you go to hell. and what if i'm embarrassed by some things i did in my life like swinging a cat by the tale when i was a kid or taking pictures of my girlfriends tits when she was sleeping. are all your secrets exposed. and what if you're an aborted fetus. you never even experienced life so how do you even have a soul. isn't a soul just experiences. and what if you're replicated in the future. or your brain is transferred to a computer using new tesla brain wired technology that will be available in the near future. after your body dies will your old conscience go to heaven while your copy stays here. and what about when the correct religion is changed or banned. then how will people go to heaven. if heaven is for everyone would you want to share it with disgusting muslims.

i dunno i think its too much for anyone to even give any serious thought about. just live your life.
this wall o' text needs to be broken up into concise paragraph for me to address everything, or least bullet pointed.

I'll just take your first question.

1) In order to be saved you do not need to look at religion. You need to look at a BOOK. That Book is the Holy Bible. The main things are plain things and the plain things are the main things. The main (and plain) thing is that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again 3 days later for the sacrifice of your sins.

2) He was God in human flesh.

3) You must repent and believe in order to be saved.

Again, this is all from the Bible, and no religion can save you. Only to those who believe the message of the Word of God (the Bible) can be saved.
Shut the fuck don't know jack shit.and you're full of shit and have no idea what you are talking about beyond your own fake.experience
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:No you will never get bored in Heaven. We will be learning more and more about the infinite wisdom of God. I believe we will have tasks to do, and we will not be bored of them and it won't be tiresome. We will praise God, worship, sing and of curse be able to roam the universe(s?).
Whatever it is it will beyond our imagination and what we are capable of perceiving in these bodies with these minds:
"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” --1 Corinthians 2:9
experiences shut have clhe at all and are.talking out of your ads as always.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by vegasfraud »

The only thing eternal is darkness when you die. There is no fairy tale ending...just maggots eating your rotten corpse. I know that's too much for weak people to handle...hence the fairy tales.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by AbeVigodaLive »

vegasfraud wrote:The only thing eternal is darkness when you die. There is no fairy tale ending...just maggots eating your rotten corpse. I know that's too much for weak people to handle...hence the fairy tales.

Maybe. Probably?

Just the same, some people may enjoy brighter, more wholesome afterlife thoughts just so life doesn't seem so depressing.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

vegasfraud wrote:The only thing eternal is darkness when you die. There is no fairy tale ending...just maggots eating your rotten corpse. I know that's too much for weak people to handle...hence the fairy tales.
That's not what the Bible says. "Absent from the body is present with the Lord." Once you die, yes your physical body goes into the ground, but your soul departs and goes to be either with the Lord in Heaven or to Hell.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
vegasfraud wrote:The only thing eternal is darkness when you die. There is no fairy tale ending...just maggots eating your rotten corpse. I know that's too much for weak people to handle...hence the fairy tales.
That's not what the Bible says. "Absent from the body is present with the Lord." Once you die, yes your physical body goes into the ground, but your soul departs and goes to be either with the Lord in Heaven or to Hell.
Nobody gives a shit what the bible says....that's your first take that book seriously. Stop using it as reference in holds no water whatsoever and only makes you look even more like an idiot
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
vegasfraud wrote:The only thing eternal is darkness when you die. There is no fairy tale ending...just maggots eating your rotten corpse. I know that's too much for weak people to handle...hence the fairy tales.
That's not what the Bible says. "Absent from the body is present with the Lord." Once you die, yes your physical body goes into the ground, but your soul departs and goes to be either with the Lord in Heaven or to Hell.
Nobody gives a shit what the bible says....that's your first take that book seriously. Stop using it as reference in holds no water whatsoever and only makes you look even more like an idiot
What are you talking about? The Bible is chock full of prophesies that have came true. That ALONE is worthy of being taken serious.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: That's not what the Bible says. "Absent from the body is present with the Lord." Once you die, yes your physical body goes into the ground, but your soul departs and goes to be either with the Lord in Heaven or to Hell.
Nobody gives a shit what the bible says....that's your first take that book seriously. Stop using it as reference in holds no water whatsoever and only makes you look even more like an idiot
What are you talking about? The Bible is chock full of prophesies that have came true. That ALONE is worthy of being taken serious.
No it isn't and no they haven't...its not a valid source to reference when engaged in a discussion..ever.
Just because you have blind faith doesn't mean anyone else does and it definitely doesn't mean you are right...argue like a man and don't stand behind twisted words from an Irrelevent book
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote: Nobody gives a shit what the bible says....that's your first take that book seriously. Stop using it as reference in holds no water whatsoever and only makes you look even more like an idiot
What are you talking about? The Bible is chock full of prophesies that have came true. That ALONE is worthy of being taken serious.
No it isn't and no they haven't...its not a valid source to reference when engaged in a discussion..ever.
Just because you have blind faith doesn't mean anyone else does and it definitely doesn't mean you are right...argue like a man and don't stand behind twisted words from an Irrelevent book
You are so set in your ways. The Bible says the Pharaoh hardened his heart and hardened his heart until God finally hardened his heart. I believe God has hardened your heart. You're finished. Live it up these last remaining short years on earth, you will be in a Lake of Fire soon enough.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by kobeunderbite »

CleveTown™ wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:Jesus is not part of the Jewish religion.
Which is sad. He came to his own but his own rejected him.

Yeah we're good.
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by elartman1973 »

CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote: What are you talking about? The Bible is chock full of prophesies that have came true. That ALONE is worthy of being taken serious.
No it isn't and no they haven't...its not a valid source to reference when engaged in a discussion..ever.
Just because you have blind faith doesn't mean anyone else does and it definitely doesn't mean you are right...argue like a man and don't stand behind twisted words from an Irrelevent book
You are so set in your ways. The Bible says the Pharaoh hardened his heart and hardened his heart until God finally hardened his heart. I believe God has hardened your heart. You're finished. Live it up these last remaining short years on earth, you will be in a Lake of Fire soon enough.
You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

kobeunderbite wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
kobeunderbite wrote:Jesus is not part of the Jewish religion.
Which is sad. He came to his own but his own rejected him.

Yeah we're good.
No actually you're not. You were waiting for your messiah to come in as the conquering King but failed to realize he must come first as the Suffering Servant detailed in Isaiah 53 was Jesus. Jesus even referenced it before He died (Luke 22:37)
October 16th, 2020. Thank you Pastor John (P)
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Re: How do you wrestle with the fact that GOD is from all eternity?

Post by CleveTown™ »

elartman1973 wrote:
CleveTown™ wrote:
elartman1973 wrote: No it isn't and no they haven't...its not a valid source to reference when engaged in a discussion..ever.
Just because you have blind faith doesn't mean anyone else does and it definitely doesn't mean you are right...argue like a man and don't stand behind twisted words from an Irrelevent book
You are so set in your ways. The Bible says the Pharaoh hardened his heart and hardened his heart until God finally hardened his heart. I believe God has hardened your heart. You're finished. Live it up these last remaining short years on earth, you will be in a Lake of Fire soon enough.
You lost me and the argument when you posted "the bible says"
Don't you realize in order to prove it isn't a bullshit book you need to add sources that are not from the bullshit book?
None exist..its a bullshit book
MANY extra-biblical sources are out there. I've even referenced them many times here. OPEN your eyes
October 16th, 2020. Thank you Pastor John (P)
January 7th. (D)
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